This is a Hacker News -> Reddit/r/RealTesla post.
Good to see the “original” RealTesla getting such large attention. Over on the Reddit, there’s over 3000+ upvotes, while most of the discussion on Hacker News is supportive of the story.
While Hacker News has [flagged] the story (thereby removing it from the frontpage), it shows that even in the high-tech industry / San Francisco venture capitalism tech-discussion site, Elon Musk’s reputation has really nosedived this year.
Nah I don’t give a shit about Tesla.
There is a duty to mitigate damages though, and Tesla would be heard on the issue in court. Shows what you know to say otherwise.
Such a case would never make it to court. lmao
Shows what you know.
Elon isn’t going to notice you here.
No shit. I deleted my Twitter account and stopped advertising on the platform the day they announced his purchase was going to go through. I wouldn’t want that creepy apartheid loving bitch to notice me anywhere.