(unpaywalled version on archive.today: https://archive.ph/03cwZ)

Interesting figure that comes out of the article: 87% of US teens prefer iPhones. Also the explanations given aren’t quite surprising, I guess it’s mostly because of iMessage. Teens will feel like outcasts if they get an Android phone while their friends still use iMessage because of the green bubbles.

It’s actually hilarious how we allowed consumerism to take us this far and that we have now peer pressure over smartphones.

“You’re telling me in 2023, you still have a ’Droid? […] You gotta be at least 50 years old.”

ouch 😔

  • @Hazdaz
    321 year ago

    But WHY? God I can not understand why someone would willingly use iOS. I have both an Android and iPhone and every time I pick up the iPhone I wonder why anyone would use this willingly.

    • @applejacks
      61 year ago

      there are lots of reasons to own an iPhone

      there are lots of reasons to own an Android

      very weird behavior to make it part of your personality in either direction

      • @Hazdaz
        21 year ago

        It’s needlessly heavy. Wjy is this tiny phone so bloody heavy?! The interface is cartoonishly simplistic. The way the UI is set up is so cumbersome… like let’s simplify this so much that it is now more difficult to use when all they should need to do is add an extra button or two. Not too dissimilar to how the Mac UI stubbornly is designed around a one button mouse. And it is organized in a way that forces one to use it in only one way - Apple’s way.

        I will say that the screen is really nice, but no better than my Samsung phone. The camera is quite nice, but again, I’m not going to say it is more than marginally better than my Samsung. The battery life is also quite good. So it’s not totally shit. I just can not fathom why young people would favor iPhone that much more, other than marketing and image.

    • Manu
      1 year ago

      You can say whatever you want about Apple, but no one else has build such a fluid, easy-to-use and interconnected ecosystem as they did. I tried to achieve a similar experience with my former androids, but there are always issues: laggy synchronization, multiple apps necessary, difficult setup, manual data transfer. Just to name a few. Now I can download a file on my phone, edit it on my iMac and continue on my MacBook without any hassle.

      • @Hazdaz
        41 year ago

        I’ll be the first to say that competition pushes companies, so the things you brought up are very important things which Android needs to improve on. But let’s be real here. The teens that this article is focusing on, probably don’t use or need or even understand a lot of the things you mentioned. Much of that streamlined ecosystem is mostly visible from people that work and have busy lives where you need to share data from and with lots of people and apps. So one of the biggest advantages of ios isn’t even relevant to these teens and yet they are already indoctrinated.

      • Roane :verified_twtr:
        11 year ago

        @AbyssalChord @Hazdaz i mean that’s actually the biggest issue with apple that they’ve managed to build a exclusive ecosystem to monopolize.
        If you feel good when u are ABLE to work simultaneously on different devices within apple ecosystem then maybe open source or fediverse doesn’t attract to that much.

        While u might like to have every device from apple, SOME MIGHT NOT! and they got no choice not to, if they choose to use one thing, atleast that comfortably.

        • Manu
          21 year ago

          Don‘t get me wrong: I avoided Apple for right around two decades now and just made the switch in the last couple of years because I got fed up with all the issues I kept fighting. Of course it’s a pretty personal question what you need in a device and what your priorities are. There’s never a simple answer to that. And priorities change over the years, just like mine did.

          I don’t like that an iPhone is the best solution for my use-case. But it objectively is.

            • Manu
              11 year ago

              Neither Ubuntu, Fedora, nor Mint, XFCE or KDE did it for me.

              • Roane :verified_twtr:
                -11 year ago

                @AbyssalChord shall i fall in into the apple world? Are all open source systems or linux users fricking around? And it’ll all lead to us going back to apple? Enlighten me :thisisfine: :bulbasaurroll:

                • Manu
                  1 year ago

                  I don’t understand. Are you sarcastic? I’m not here to reproduce Reddit antics, so I would like to stick with a constructive discussion if you don’t mind. If not, consider this conversation to be over.

                  • Roane :verified_twtr:
                    01 year ago

                    @AbyssalChord no I’m not being sarcastic. I really mean it cus it happens with other things too like when u initially use apple notes and then u move to many things like notion then obsidian (i still do) and stuff and then i hear people say they reverted back to apple notes. So were you like as enthusiastic and hopeful for anti-monopoly and for using linux etc before?