I recently decide to watch Curb Your Enthusiasm and I only really started to enjoy the show after season four.

I feel like a lot of dramas like The Americans, Dark, and Narcos take me a little while to get invested but it’s typically only a season.

  • decadentrebel
    82 years ago

    The Wire.

    I downloaded the entire series in 2010, hoping I could binge-watch it while I’m still on night shift. Couldn’t get myself to finish the slow boring pilot, set it aside, and forgot about it completely.

    More than 10 years later, I see it on HBO Max remastered. Managed to survive EP1, and quickly after that, I couldn’t wait to watch every other episode.

    I’ve always said the best shows are the ones wherein you can name every character to even the smallest one and know why they stuck with you. The Wire is one of those and remains my favorite of all time.

    • Random Dent
      22 years ago

      I was the same way! I just finally watched it this year, after about my 5th attempt. Once I got past the first 2 episodes I was loving it lol.

    • @PsychicPsquirrel
      12 years ago

      It also has a very high rewatch value. Each time through you notice something you missed the previous times.

      I find myself rewatching occasionally it when I introduce someone new to the series.