Wish we had that here. I could only afford a home on a busy street and the pollution is bad enough we it is without the modded trucks, muscle cars and motorcycle racing by at 1am. It’s illegal, but uninforced.
And that crying about being spied on… we already have cameras everywhere, actually having them used for something we want would be lovely. This and carpool lane enforcement, regulated in a way that can’t be abused (unlike red light and stop sign cameras, which local governments really abuse given lack of top down regulation).
I hear that the UK is trialling them in England an Wales, and London also had a trial run in 2021/22. Not sure what came of it, though.
Trouble is, the UK has no law limiting the noise a car can make. Only if there is e.g. a modified exhaust can the police even do something.
This is not true. See rule 123 of the Highway Code which says it is illegal to modify your vehicle to make more noise and that the noise of a vehicle should be below 86 db.
The current issue is that enforcement is not proactive and the fines are very low. Most police departments only issue a warning for first time offenders.
Wish we had that here. I could only afford a home on a busy street and the pollution is bad enough we it is without the modded trucks, muscle cars and motorcycle racing by at 1am. It’s illegal, but uninforced.
And that crying about being spied on… we already have cameras everywhere, actually having them used for something we want would be lovely. This and carpool lane enforcement, regulated in a way that can’t be abused (unlike red light and stop sign cameras, which local governments really abuse given lack of top down regulation).
I hear that the UK is trialling them in England an Wales, and London also had a trial run in 2021/22. Not sure what came of it, though.
Trouble is, the UK has no law limiting the noise a car can make. Only if there is e.g. a modified exhaust can the police even do something.
This is not true. See rule 123 of the Highway Code which says it is illegal to modify your vehicle to make more noise and that the noise of a vehicle should be below 86 db.
The current issue is that enforcement is not proactive and the fines are very low. Most police departments only issue a warning for first time offenders.
See: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/805940/roadside-vehicle-noise-measurement-phase-1-study-report-and-technology-recommendations.pdf
For an extensive review.