According to two Russian soldiers interviewed by a pro-invasion blogger, if you wear a Russian military uniform on the metro in Moscow people distance themselves and give you dirty looks.

  • @[email protected]
    22 years ago

    War is fueled by a system that has nothing human about it. Just like dogs humans are not violent by nature, they become mad when they are put in a corner. These days the average person would never hurt someone else directly and that’s why governments spend billions on propaganda to turn everyone against each other

    • @Fades
      2 years ago

      Dogs most certainly are violent by nature. You are explicitly talking about DOMESTICATED dogs which are man made and not nature

      You can also upset a dog without putting it in a corner. Approach a dog and it’s pup or a dog approaching another dog that is eating, violence easily can erupt both with strange dogs and known ones.

      You’re projecting your perception of your own humanity onto all dogs and it’s not working for you or your point.

      I do agree that the people are purposefully pitted against each other but that is internal to nations and doesn’t explain international war. Do you think Ukraine and the Russians pitted their peoples against each other to start this war? Or did Russian invade and cause it all by themselves?

      • @[email protected]
        -122 years ago

        Are they? I don’t recall teaching my dog not to bite people, they just were treated good and don’t do it

        • @[email protected]
          22 years ago

          is this a dogwhistle (pun intended) for eugenics in the human race, the way that we have selectively bred dogs to meet compatibility criteria?

    • FuglyDuck
      62 years ago

      so… just to clarify. you realize that violence is part of who we’ve always been? The reason our hands can make a decent fist at all is to be used as clubs.

      weapons are among the first, if not the first, forms of technology ever developed in prehistory. And probably not even by homo sapiens. We’ve never been not-violent. and you can see this in other primates like baboons and chimps and gorillas, which absolutely conduct their version of warfare.

      And like humans, dogs are also aggressive by nature. they are largely taught not to be as puppies. but left to their own understandings, they will be aggressive.

      • @[email protected]
        -42 years ago

        Do you realize that a fist can be used to break a coconut and not smash someone head? Humans evolved to be smart not to be violent

        • FuglyDuck
          52 years ago

          You…. Ever try to, uh, smash a coconut with your fist?

          Curious how that went.

          “We evolved to be smart!”

          And most of the first tools we created are absolutely classified as “weapons”

          • @SCB
            2 years ago

            Literally the first widespread tool in human history was a fucking handaxe.

            Second was a spear.

            Dude is just talking pure nonsense.

              • FuglyDuck
                12 years ago

                Chimps use clubs to fish as well as in fighting other chimps.

                Using a rock might be “tool use” but it’s not “tool manufacture” for that they’d have to substantially modify the rock (say by flaking off chips to form an edge, or shaping a stick into a cudgel.) among humans the first tools made we’re probably cudgels- used for fighting (both other people and animals. Aka, a weapon.) and possibly stone anvils and axes.

                (Hand axes would have been more tool than weapon until fitted onto a haft. Then it would be either a spear or an ax.)

                • @uis
                  2 years ago

                  Cudgel is as made as regular rock. Just branch picked up from ground. Earliest axes that are basically sharpened stones and as weapon are about as useful as not sharpened stone, but provide ability to shape wood.

    • @SCB
      22 years ago

      Humans are absolutely naturally violent. They’re naturally selfish, violent monsters. We teach our kids to not be that way from a very young age (prior to 1 years old, generally) and reinforce it constantly and yet it is still very common to see children/young adults acting out violently.

      It’s absurd to me that anyone could assume humans are not naturally violent.

        • ANGRY_MAPLE
          2 years ago


          Someone mentioned that humans have (historically) had a tendency towards violence, and your only take from that was to call them a monster? Are you just projecting, or what happened there?

          Gee, i guess we’d better tell all of the families of murdered people that their loved ones weren’t actually murdered. You know, since you seem to think that humans don’t have a natural capacity for violence, so there must have been some other reason (doubt it). We should also tell the starving people that it’s not greed keeping them hungry, it’s magic.

          It’s not like we’re mammals or anything. We’re TOTALLY immune to the same things that plague almost every species on this planet. Totally.