The crowdfunding platform preferred by Trump’s alleged co-conspirators is also a hit with neo-Nazis

  • @AllonzeeLV
    1 year ago

    If you’re praying to take America back to a better time, congratulations, you’re a racist. The “golden age” was propped up by a Jim Crow enforced underclass.

    They’re just losing their shit because the oligarchs are no longer interested in giving their poor white peasants preferential treatment. I’m honestly surprised they don’t start praying to Exxon and the like to bring that back.

      • @AllonzeeLV
        1 year ago

        Then you’re in luck!

        So long as our capitalists keep pumping carbon into the air to make and sell plastic crap, and they’re in charge so they will, then humanity appears to be a self-curing macro-cancer of the natural world.

        The Earth is self-correcting. After we kill ourselves off by our own hands, the Earth will heal itself like it has after so many environmental catastrophes, and it will be as if we never existed, Thank goodness.

        TLDR if that’s what you want, all you have to do is wait a few decades. popcorn is optional, but encouraged.

          • @AllonzeeLV
            1 year ago

            For what it’s worth, I hope you get to see the grand finale.

            You can set your clock to the surety of our self-inflicted climate apocalypse, but we have capitalist controlled Artificial Intelligence and CRISPR derived biological weapon dark horses that may beat the climate to the punch, don’t give up hope!

            So long as your hope is mankind’s delusions of grandeur and dominion finally coming home to roost, as mine is.