• DigitalTraveler42
    521 year ago

    Let’s be real and fair about it this, Obama changed Biden for the better, something about their partnership drove Biden further Left on many issues, and Bernie Sanders teaming up with him also seemed to force a major shift in Biden’s platform. Biden could have stayed that guy who was a fervant drug warrior from a bygone era but he’s shifted for the better on “drug war” and “war on crime” and he seems to really be willing to take on the fight against the racists that we’re in currently.

    Trump on the other hand wasn’t willing to do anything but make shit worse, including ending democracy so that he could be dictator.

    I have plenty of grudges against Biden, being one of the deciding factors that led to Clarence Thomas being placed on the supreme Court is absolutely one of them, but you gotta give the old man credit where it’s due, he’s not who he was at all, and not many elderly change that late in life, and we shouldn’t shit on people who show a clear ability to grow and become better, because that’s one thing Biden has going for him that Trump absolutely does not have.

    • @givesomefucks
      151 year ago

      Bernie Sanders teaming up with him also seemed to force a major shift in Biden’s platform.

      Bernie pushed him to the left in the campaign…

      But it hasn’t changed anything since Biden got in office. Nothing got accomplished that Biden wasn’t already going to do.

      It’s not Bernie’s fault, and he can’t even really call out Biden because Bernie knows without a primary all it would do is help republicans.

      No one is saying Biden isn’t better than trump, we’re pointing out how shitty it is that these our only two choices

      • DigitalTraveler42
        1 year ago

        I never said that anybody was saying that Trump is better than Biden, what I am saying is that Trump is the alternative, and not a good alternative at all, the more you circlejerk about Biden sucking because of this or that is the more you help push voters not to vote, or worse, vote for Trump.

        But it hasn’t changed anything since Biden got in office.

        So how is Biden going to change anything when he had to spend the years he had congress on his side fixing the shit Trump purposely broke and now he has a congress that’s not only against him but is ridiculously inept due to the majority party electing morons and obstructionists who clearly have no intention to help run the country? Then you have a virtually deadlocked Senate thanks to Sinema and Manchin continuing to play both sides. Then you have this corrupt AF supreme Court. Also in case you haven’t noticed Biden’s administration is also navigating not getting us into WWIII with Ruzzia and China, the environment starting to fail (thanks corporations and right wingers), food and other shortages, oh and a fucking insurrection that continues to fester and threaten our democracy, and I know I’m leaving out a whole lot more, but hopefully you get the fricken point.

        So I’m not sure if you’re just under-informed and flouting your ignorance, or if you’re just that entitled, but Biden is getting as much done as the world is allowing him to. I’m sure we all wish things were better but it’s quite possible that things are going to continue to get worse due to what climate change is doing to us, it’s going to make diseases stronger, make our crop yields worse, fresh water is going to become one of the most valuable resources on the planet, and it’s absolutely not the right time for us to allow a climate change denying dictator to come to power by saying “but what has Biden done for me lately??” Like some petulant and entitled child.

        • @daemoz
          01 year ago

          Such a shitty argument presented with an even shittier batch of unnecessary insults. Dude literally made a post about leaders avoiding divisive rhetoric within the dem party for unity, then you launch into a justification excusing biden being a lame duck, which is what the bernie voters always expected of a geriatric biden. I call bs on your take as well as bidens 'liberal agenda, when he failed to move molehill with its supermajority and the populationbacking him. He failed and lost the legislature and you as a stooge took that as a personal insult, then called op ignorant and entitled. Lol at your clown makeup.

          • DigitalTraveler42
            -11 year ago

            Aww did my words hurt your boyfriend so you had to come help?

            As for shitty argument, I don’t claim to be a debater, I’m just trying to make a point, but you’re clearly too biased to see that point.

            But hey lol clown make up meme haha amirite? 🤡

            • @daemoz
              21 year ago

              Yup rando is totally my lover. You didnt claim to have an opinion grounded in reality either, so your point is as coated in bidens dingleberries as your nose. I dont think pres. is even doing a bad job, but he doesnt deserve the apologist excuses either, he was never going to be effective, and is exactly as staus quo as expected.

              • DigitalTraveler42
                1 year ago

                Yes because lots of changes can be made when half the Senate is full of insurrectionists and obstructionists, and half of Congress is full of insurrectionists and obstructionists, and more than half of the Supreme Court is filled with corrupt right wing Federalist society judges, yep totally. 👍

                Also let’s not forget that there’s a whole bunch of successes that Biden and the Democrats have had since losing Congress that you’re refusing to even give him credit for, like how he manipulated the fuck out of the idiots pushing the debt ceiling issue and got most of what they wanted out of that whole mess, a hostage situation that only the Republicans try to pull whenever they control Congress with a Democratic president in office.

                I’m pretty sure you’re the one who’s opinion has left reality, either that or you simply have no clue how our government functions, or is just simply your biases, has Right wing media eaten your brain or something?

      • @postmateDumbass
        01 year ago

        The two parties only do what is in their best interests, the people can go pound sand for all they care.