• monke
    262 years ago

    Bro has made it his life mission to talk shit about India and ISRO. I mean just look at this guy’s comment history.

    • @givesomefucks
      2 years ago

      Quick edit:

      That’s weird, you go days without commenting and some of the most recent ones was also downplaying Modi letting lower caste children starve… I’m sure that has nothing to do with the Indian flag in your bio…

      Easy block tho, I don’t like far right extremists regardless of their country of origin.

      • monke
        2 years ago

        recent ones was also downplaying Modi letting lower caste children starve…

        Lol what?! When did I? Care to link the comment where I downplayed Modi letting children starve? You’re straight up lying now, aren’t you?

        Aren’t you the same guy who said India launching 104 satellites (96 of them were American in fact) in one go made “no logical sense” but was done just for PR? Aren’t you also the same guy who said India is not capable of building a linux distro? (My brother in Christ, we just landed a fucking spacecraft on the moon 😂). Your disdain for my country couldn’t be more blatant. And of course you had to label me a “far right extremist” for calling out your bullshit