Warning: This lengthy article contains disturbing language and details of graphic evidence.

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    Tate is just your common or garden sado-misogynist (reminds me a lot of this psychopath).

    Trump is a wannabe Putin and Musk is a wannabe Trump.

    The Fox News fascists are just amoral, well-paid lackeys.

    All risen or rising to prominence as part of the same global fascist spasm, of course. But Tate is street-fry. He poisons minds but he’s got no real power. And he’ll most likely disappear into obscurity very soon, like so many before him.

    • @TrismegistusMx
      -71 year ago

      He’s a symptom of the capitalist disease. Essentially, he’s what happens when a person is hollowed out and nothing remains except capitalist ideology. My point is that they’re all garden variety scum, but they’re uplifted into power by a cultural corruption that’s as old as consciousness. The religions of old warned about this kind of mental programming when the dominant form of ignorance on the planet was building pyramids and colluseums.

      • @Squizzy
        61 year ago

        You’re part of the problem with this over dramatic tripe

        • @TrismegistusMx
          -71 year ago

          Or are you part of the problem with your judgemental in-fighting?

            • @TrismegistusMx
              -61 year ago

              I’m on your team, but you’re not on mine. You’re just a shit talking dick head trying to squeeze his two cents in where it’s not wanted.

                • @TrismegistusMx
                  -31 year ago

                  I don’t need help. It’s the people reacting to me with anger who seem to be suffering.

                  • @Squizzy
                    21 year ago

                    I only see you calling people names, shit talking dick head springs to mind.

      • @captainlezbian
        41 year ago

        In some ways he is. In other ways though, no he’s just a person who is like that. And speaking as a pagan you’re fucking insane if you think this wasn’t happening under pagan rule. Our rot is the same that the Roman republic had.

        Maybe something could’ve made him not this way, but he seems to have been emptier than most before anything. Whether or not their soul is still intact is a question for them and the gods to discuss. But the reality is that in a healthy ancient society he probably would’ve been either dealt with violently or expelled to die. In an unhealthy one, he’d’ve sought to build power with disaffected young men, raped unprotected women who were unable to defend themselves, and either come to power or died trying. Patriarchy is fucking old and he’s got it bad.

        • @TrismegistusMx
          -11 year ago

          I never said anything about the Pagans, so don’t put words in my mouth. It’s a spiritual rot. It happens on the individual level and it is solved on the community level.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Yes, such authoritarian charlatans are symptoms of capitalism. This does not mean they are in any way connected.