When asked about the federal government’s role, 41% of Americans say it should encourage the production of nuclear power.

Let’s get those new construction contracts signed!

  • @schroedingershat
    2 years ago

    This is quite the mental gymnastics routine. I’m going to give you a benefit of the doubt and assume you fell for it and are suffering cognitive dissonance rather than assuming you are lying on purpose.

    You are conflating electricity and primary energy several times in a way that boosts the answer by around an order of magnitude each time.


    2680TWh is 9.6EJ, not 61EJ.


    2680TWh is 9% of 29165TWh of electricity, not 10% of energy (either primary or final). Primary energy being around 600EJ by the same source. Final energy being harder to calculate because fossil fuels make a lot of waste heat (and you can choose to draw the boundary at the electrical power to the heat pump vs. the output), but usually estimated between 150EJ and 300EJ.

    You could have very simply observed that 6 million is about 90 times 65,000, not 5000.

    90 * 0.09 = 8.

    There are 8 years of fuel for current electricity demand calculated from 11x (1/0.09) the current nuclear prodiction consuming 65,000t of NatU being ~700,000t with the known reserves you listed (there is more economically accessible uranium available than this, but not orders of magnitude).

    Additionally 10-100MW scale SMRs being developed are much less efficient than large LWRs because the neutrons are largely wasted rather than making and fissioning Pu239.

    This where you either apologise and stop pushing climate denial propaganda, or alternatively start a gish gallop about EBR, reprocessing, and Phenix confirming you made your mistakes in bad faith.

    • @[email protected]OP
      2 years ago

      I dunno if I’m right but here’s what I did:

      1. I googled “total global yearly energy production” for the 617 EJ
      2. I googled “what percentage of energy comes from nuclear globally” for the 10%.
      3. The “67,500 tons/year” and “6 million tons recoverable” came from the article you provided.

      The rest is arithmetic.

      • @schroedingershat
        12 years ago

        Your screenshot literally says electricity in the url, not energy.

        You’re now actively pretending to not understand the distinction rather than reading your own sources. Why double down when it’s already very obvious what you’re doing?

          • @schroedingershat
            2 years ago

            Your screenshot literally says electricity in the url, not energy.

            You’re now actively pretending to not understand the distinction rather than reading your own sources

            For anyone else reading this who isn’t a russian troll:

            617EJ is primary energy. 10% of this is 61EJ

            Electricity is around 100EJ (90EJ when that statistic was taken), 10% of 90EJ is 9EJ or the quantity of electricity produced by nuclear reactors from ~65,000t of natural U.

            Playing stupid games with arithmetic and pretending not to understand that electricity is a subset of energy just makes your attempt to palter look even stupider.

            • @[email protected]OP
              12 years ago

              You seem really worked up and are being nasty. All of my numbers have sources, I’ve explained my whole process, and haven’t been nasty with you.

              What gives? Why you do me this way?

              The consumption rate in the article you provided is in tons/yr. That consumption rate is for primary energy. 617 EJ is also primary energy. 10% was the best stat I could find for what amount of that 617 EJ was from nuclear. I’ve asked you if you think a different percentage would be better and you dodged.

              Calculating out how long a finite resource will last with a fixed consumption rate is trivial and when I asked this question I was really curious why we came up with results that are orders of magnitude different. I’m not trolling you despite the paranoia that’s set in.

              • @schroedingershat
                12 years ago

                Oh we’ve reached the crying victim stage of the troll. Nice.

                I’ve pointed out the tactic you used several times now. You can read any of the comments I made or your own sources if you want to try and figure out why 9/600 isn’t 0.1.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  12 years ago

                  Okay, let’s do it with your numbers.

                  We’re still off quite a bit. How do you get a “few years of uranium” out of this?

                  • @schroedingershat
                    2 years ago

                    You are still pretending energy is electricity (the goal and context is to replace all fossil fuels, not just electricity) as well as for some bizarre reason pretending (insofar as your 7031t number could he assumed to have any meaning) enriched fuel grade uranium is natural uranium.

                    Why are you still trying? Your bullshit has been thoroughly called, there is no way to pretend you are acting in good faith.

                    Or is now the time you go on your gish gallop about non-existent breeders and reprocessing?

                • Franzia
                  2 years ago

                  You are clearly bullying the OP. Seems like you are intelligent and like angry that not everyone else is on the same page. I think OP held their own, I’d have crumbled after only one or two replies from you.

                  • @schroedingershat
                    2 years ago

                    You’re giving them far too much credit. The bad faith misapplication of arithmetic followed by demanding that other people untangle their exact “reasoning” is an intentional misinformation technique. Typically employed by fascists and nazi apologists, but not all anti-climate trolls are doing it to engineer dependence on russian uranium and gas so it is hard to tell whether they’re an astroturfer fkr rosatom, a fossil astroturfer, a uranium squeeze finance bro, someone who just really loves what’s happening to the people in places like Arlit or Adapa, or just a bad faith idiot.

                    People who are misinformed or ignorant deserve respect. Bad faith trolls do not.