• DessertStorms
    221 year ago

    Agression generates defensive reactions. If you question a person, patiently, pick at their knowledge or lack of it, you can create a change.

    Literally ALL of history disagrees with you.

    • qyron
      -91 year ago

      Are you proposing we implement change via war? No. Enough of that for the last, lets say, 10.000 years. How about we start getting our collective heads out of our asses and force change the right way?

      The politians are crooked? Vote them out. No good option? Lets form another partie. Create lobby groups. Well organized, backed by science and data, not neo anarchist/hippie groups that think playing drums is a form of protest. Propose alternatives, force good and true information onto the public. Denounce mal practice, corruption and other bad actors behaviours, file actions against them.

      What good violent protest turned out? People arrested by the hundreds, assaulted by police, killed.

      It hurts a lot more a company or companies to have good unions and general strikes than violent protests in the streets.

      • DessertStorms
        1 year ago

        Do you know what, it’s easier to just refer you back to the top comment on this post, since you clearly are the moderate in question, more concerned with the appearance of justice (and your own privileged comfort) than you are with actual justice.

        The sad thing is you probably would never consider yourself a bootlicker, yet here you are, vigorously licking that capitalism boot that’s stood on all our necks.

        Well done?

        (E: and yes, I could provide you with endless links to articles and literature on the topic, but I have better things to do with my time than to waste it on someone who clearly isn’t ready (or capable?) to set their bias aside and actually look these things up for themselves instead of pretending like nothing is real that makes you uncomfortable)

        • qyron
          -61 year ago

          Its good we don’t see eye to eye because as long as you have me to bounce your points of view you have the opportunity to refine them and, hopefully, draw out some of that anger.

          Or would you be more satisfied if I aimed for the low street and returned your vitriole?

          By acting as you are, you’re demonstrating my original point. I’m actually willing to listen to you.

          I don’t care if roads are blocked. I care if the people blocking it get the police crosshairs on their chests. Violence breeds violence. People lose their lives, gunned down or worst.

          Want to hurt the system? Use the rule books. The system rules. Malicious compliance. This isn’t a war.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Climate change is killing people now and is going to Kill a lot more later. The violence is packaged up really nicely so you don’t feel bad about it, but it’s violence, and it’s real. The system has failed to take action for 40 years, how long do you suggest people wait before concluding that in system action isn’t going to do anything?

            • qyron
              1 year ago

              What are we, exactly, proposing? Enlighten me. Because right now I’m eager for fresh solutions. I am painfully aware the shit show this planet is and sick and tired of being called guilty for not doing more, when my humanly available resources are exausted and I clearly can’t garner enough support to create a ripple movement because everybody is too angry to actually think and act in accord to achieve a grander goal.