Woooo I’m so stoked for this game!!

  • @RightHandOfIkaros
    121 year ago

    “There are features that ship on X today that do not ship on S, even from our own games, like ray-tracing that works on X, it’s not on S in certain games. So for an S customer, they spent roughly half what the X customer bought, they understand that it’s not going to run the same way,” [Phil] said.

    Doesn’t this contradict Microsoft’s policy? I thought they required games on the Xbox platform to have parity across the S and X. Aside from things like resolution and raytracing, actual game features missing from the S version seems like opening the door for other developers to cut whole game features for the S version as well.

    • AlexanderTheGreatOPM
      161 year ago

      It does go against what we’ve been told is their policy. At this point though if the entry level console is holding back the main console from getting games they may not have a choice but to change that policy.