As COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations creep up during a summer wave of heightened virus activity, updated vaccines are still likely weeks away.

Why it matters:

  • Americans have largely tuned out COVID, but the latest COVID uptick is a reminder that the virus continues to circulate and mutate — though the threat is far below pandemic-era levels.
  • Health officials face a challenge convincing a pandemic-fatigued public to get an updated COVID shot, as vaccine uptake has declined with each successive booster.
  • @inclementimmigrant
    581 year ago

    Honestly, the HHS needs to stop referring to this as a pandemic and call it an endemic and treat this like a flu and get a cadence going for biannual boosters and reminders of covid and flu seasons.

    Like our or not but most scientists seem to agree that this sucker is going to be endemic and the faster we move to that reality, the better.

    • @baked_tea
      161 year ago

      Bold of you to assume everyone will accept the reality

      • mommykink
        191 year ago

        Antivaxxers have literally been saying “itS nO worse tHaN the FLu!!” since day 1. If anything, they should be even more receptive to the idea.

        • Flying Squid
          51 year ago

          You know they constantly move the goalposts.

          There is no point in catering to crazy people.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      We don’t get flu shots biannually though, is there a reason to do COVID boosters that way? I was under the impression we need them annually, or is that just because of the quick evolution of new variants?