• FSR 3 is frame generation, similar to DLSS 3. It can greatly increase FPS to 2-3x.

  • FSR 3 can run on any GPU, including consoles. They made a point about how it would be dumb to limit it to only the newest generation of cards.

  • Every DX11 & DX12 game can take advantage of this tech via HYPR-RX, which is AMD’s software for boosting frames and decreasing latency.

  • Games will start using it by early fall, public launch will be by Q1 2024

It’s left to be seen how good or noticeable FSR3 will be, but if it actually runs well I think we can expect tons of games (especially on console) to make use of it.

  • @kadu
    11 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • Dudewitbow
      11 year ago

      Which is, the condition of course that the gpus are priced close enough (e.g 4060 vs 7600). But when theres a deficiency in a cards spec (e.g 8gb gpus) or a large discrepancy in price, it would favor the AMD usually .

      Its why the 3050 was a terribly priced gpu for the longest time, and currently, the 4060ti is the butt of the joke, and someone shouldnt use those over the AMD in the said price range due to both performamce, and hardware deficiency(vram in the case of the cheaper 4060ti)

      • @kadu
        01 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • Dudewitbow
          21 year ago

          In the case of the 4060ti 8gb, turning on RT puts them past the 8gb threshold killing performance, hence hardware deficiency does matter in some cases.

          • @kadu
            21 year ago

            deleted by creator

            • Dudewitbow
              01 year ago

              Many fixed that, by having to adjust on the fly loading, which speed can vary depending on how often it has to swap. A game that still has odd issues with 8gb vram is Halo Infinite, mainly because its hard to test as the problem arises when getting to the open world part of the game, and requires about 30 minutes to get to the point where it happens. It was discussed in a HUB video a month or two ago. Models and textures like bushes start to look worse from that point on

              Games are adjusting assets on the fly, so even though the framerate may seem “normal” the visual quality nowadays might not be.