Source: Értékmentés - egyre keskenyebb szalagon (Hungarian) / Preserving value - on ever narrower tapes
* Note that the picture is recent but the equipment is form 70s / 80s
The last paragraph translated with DeepL:
In the picture is the archive recorder, with the following equipment (from left to right): in the corner an AMPEX VPR2 1-inch player, then a SONY BVH 2000 PS, in the rack a SONY BVW 55 Beta SP, below it a Digi Beta version, on top of the monitor on the right the smallest but newest piece is the SONY PDW 1500 recorder, and the row is completed by another 1-inch player, the SONY BVH 3100 PS. On the table in the middle are the controls and editing tools for the 1-inch machines.
Found on the Aesthetics Wiki’s page for Cassette Futurism and identified as Hungarian TV technology through “Cassette Futurism”: salvare gli anni Ottanta dai fanboy nostalgici 1/3 (Italian).
I remember those Sony 1" machines. We used to use a pair of them to do a delay for a sports call in show. Record on one, then through the air to playback on the other. The distance between the machines determined the length of the delay.