Harrison Floyd was denied bond on Friday. A judge said he was a potential flight risk.

Floyd, who’s charged with racketeering, conspiracy and influencing a witness, turned himself in Thursday afternoon, ahead of Trump’s 20-minute appearance at the jail that evening. Prosecutors allege that Floyd, the former leader of Black Voices for Trump and the only Black man among the defendants, was part of a scheme to pressure election worker Ruby Freeman into making false statements. Freeman had been falsely accused by Trump and his allies of election fraud.

  • @fubo
    881 year ago

    He’s in jail because he attacked the FBI agents who served him his subpoena.

    Richardson said one of the reasons she was denying him bond on Friday was a pending case for allegedly assaulting a federal officer earlier this year.

    According to an affidavit in that case, Floyd attacked a pair of FBI special agents who served him with a federal grand jury subpoena at his Maryland home for special counsel Jack Smith’s election probe.

    The affidavit says Floyd body slammed one of the agents as they were leaving and repeatedly bumped him while yelling expletives at him. He was charged with assaulting a federal officer.