Am I the only one not being able to use a controller in first-person games that usually require a mouse to look around / shoot / etc?

This is the reason I avoided buying and playing FPS games or ie Portal, BotW, etc. I find it clunky and first game I tried with sticks on the controller I dumped after the first 10 minutes and switched to playing on a PC, regretting spending the money.

I just prefer scrollers or fixed-cam games for this reason.

Maybe I’m old, but I don’t get the 30-minus year-olds being so agile with it.

Do you have any tips on improving myself on this?

  • @slimerancherM
    32 years ago

    It’s all about what you are used to. If you have never played FPS games on console, it will be difficult for you in the beginning, but you can get used to them easily enough.

    Doom, Wolfenstien, Far Cry, Destiny 2, Skyrim, the list goes on. There are so many first / third person games available on consoles, and they feel completely natural to me. Of course, there are some kids in Fortnite which make me feel sick, just by watching them play. But for normal gameplay, I have never felt anything clunky.

    But everyone is different, if you have access to a gaming PC, and you prefer to play games on it, you should keep playing on it, no need to force yourself to play something you are non enjoying.

    But if you want to play on console, start with a game that isn’t very fast (like Doom), which you can play at your own pace (exploration, non-combat games) and just get used to the controls. It will take you some time, but you will get used to them.