Title. We keep ours at 75F, parents do 77F, and in laws 68F. It made me curious what everyone else keeps theirs at?

  • Poseidon2023
    31 year ago

    68F-72F in summer 66ish in the winter. In live in the South East United States and humidity is a bitch

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        No? Set termostat to a lower temp in the winter so the heater doesn’t stay on as long. Higher temp in the summer so the AC doesn’t stay on.

        Another reason to keep it closer to the outdoor temp is clothing. I loathe places in the winter that have the heat cranked up, I dressed for the cold, I don’t want to melt because businesses crank the heat up to 80F for some reason. Same with the summer, I’m shivering cause I dressed for 90F but inside is in the high 60’s.