• @Wrench
    212 years ago

    Yuuup. One of his sources saying that covid was overblown was Frontline Doctors of America. I spent 20 minutes looking into who they were. Not a single virologist, pathologist, etc in the bunch, claiming that covid was curable.

    He literally said “he lost respect” for me that day when I laughed that one of his source’s doctors was on video saying vaginally cysts were caused by demon rape in your dreams. He gave me a back faith victim argument about being disrespectful to other people’s cultures.

    Yeah dude. Sure. That’s what you’re upset about, dude who literally told me, verbatim, “emotions are stupid” after I gave him a long thought out multiple page explanation of my side, telling him about seeing my parents waste away because they couldn’t go outside because my mother’s immuno compromised from chemo, etc etc.

    Fuck your bad faith bullshit.

    • Flying Squid
      72 years ago

      Isn’t dismissing something you don’t like as stupid an emotional reaction? I mean ‘stupid’ is not really exactly the same as ‘lacking in intelligence,’ it’s a word with emotional weight.

      • @Wrench
        72 years ago

        Yes, it is. And even more infuriating that his next reply, the explanation of HIS stance, was that covid was hurting HIS business (lawyer, ambulance chaser).

        He missed the irony completely. And that conversation has done irreparable damage to our friendship. We were very close. I was a groomsman at his wedding before all of this.

        We’ve tried to reconcile, but it’s not there. In each of our opinions, the other’s head is too far up ones ass.

        • Flying Squid
          52 years ago

          I totally understand. I’ve been there myself. Not with anyone super close, but I’ve still lost friends to this insanity.

    • @afraid_of_zombies
      52 years ago

      emotions are stupid

      If you don’t respect or understand your own feelings you are not going to be able to attribute the correct source for them.

      Why did you sexually harass her? I wasn’t, she was flirting. How else can you explain why I was attracted to her?

      Why did you yell at your coworker? He is always doing x!

      I bet you that your friend talks like this all the time. He can’t accept that he can just be sad or angry or horny or happy. No, his response to a situation is always appropriate. It is everyone else that is doing this to him.

    • TwoGems
      52 years ago

      Those doctors need to lose their license.

      • @Wrench
        2 years ago

        Yeah, I mean, prescribing medication for off label use seems like an easy malpractice suit. These are the dickhead family practice doctors that pushed chlortrimeton on their patients and claimed it cured covid because none of them died.