Title. We keep ours at 75F, parents do 77F, and in laws 68F. It made me curious what everyone else keeps theirs at?

    • Fluba
      31 year ago

      Even last week when we had the 3 days of 100+ heat? When it’s above 85, I have terrible air circulation in my place and need to turn the AC on.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        I was uncomfortable last week: made due with box fans, drinking water, and cool as it would get (warm) showers.

        Today was lovely though

    • @andrewta
      31 year ago

      You have your windows open in winter in Chicago? In a single family home your pipes would or rather could freeze in winter. In an apartment depending on how warm the neighbors get their place and heart can radiate through walls that might work. In the summer though Damn that would get warm.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I do! I am on the first floor of the building and get direct sunlight between 4 and 5pm from May to July. This keeps the place cooler in the summer, it’s like a cave. Then in the winter, my unit sits on top of the boiler room for the building so I have heated floors. It’s really not so bad and a feature of my exact unit.

        Last week with the 100+ was hard