• @magnusrufus
    11 year ago

    You are still imagining that I’m the straw man pro gun guy that you desperately wish I was.

    Bi_tux said he needed a gun to protect himself against armed racists and you said he was the cause of black children being shot. You said something stupid and disgusting there. There is no other angle. It’s not a disguise for some other talking point.

    Minorities having guns is not the cause of black children getting shot in the face for ringing door bells. It may make for a convenient excuse. It might make an already existing problem worse. But it is not the cause. The cause of that violence is right wing fear mongering and deep seated racism.

    You are not as clever, insightful, or enlightened as you think you are. You keep trying to divert to other topics. Now go on and gish some more.

    If you think acting civilly is grovelling and begging then that tells a lot about you.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      You are still imagining that I’m the straw man pro gun guy that you desperately wish I was.

      I hate to break it to you, but nobody is going to sit down and learn every nuance of your political views before criticising them. If you talk like a straw man pro gun guy, I’m going to treat you like a straw man pro gun guy.

      Bi_tux said he needed a gun to protect himself against armed racists and you said he was the cause of black children being shot.

      There you go again, filtering my comment through your lens of “he’s a minority first” because that makes him useful to you – even if I clarified that’s not what I said nor meant.

      Would you be acting like this if he wasn’t a minority? Of course not.

      Minorities having guns is not the cause of black children getting shot in the face for ringing door bells.

      Sure whatever. Go off. I’ve repeatedly clarified what I meant but it falls on deaf ears because you don’t want to understand, you want to create a villain out of someone for not having a hard on for guns.

      And oh look, yet another person has grabbed their legal gun, painted a swastika on it and tried to kill as many black people as they could.

      Luckily for the next one, we have paragons of morality like you working hard to ensure people like that’ll always have guns by telling vulnerable people “these gun laws are actually for you”.

      • @magnusrufus
        11 year ago

        You don’t have to know every nuance about my political views but you should probably not make up that I’m more pro gun than Ted Nugent. Do I get to make up your unstated political views?

        If bi_tux wasn’t a minority then he probably wouldn’t have posted about needing a gun to protect against racist in white robes. He set the context that he is a minority. What nonsense are you talking about here? Do you even buy what you are saying?

        Do you think that the Jacksonville shooter is something that supports your case? Cause like bi_tux asked you, how did those victims not having guns convince the violent racist not to kill them?

        You haven’t clarified much of anything. Maybe if you haven’t tried to cram in so many tangents you could have done better.

        You very much have a straw man that you wanted to rail against since you started posting in this thread. Don’t reach so hard. There are plenty of those guys actually out there.

        Civility could still use a bit of polishing up.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Do I get to make up your unstated political views?

          Well you have, repeatedly, so I guess the answer is “yes”.

          He set the context that he is a minority.

          He also set the context that he’s a gun owner but surprise surprise, your own logic is dismissed the moment it comes from someone else’s mouth.

          Cause like bi_tux asked you, how did those victims not having guns convince the violent racist not to kill them?

          They were killed by a legal gun owner who didn’t give a shit if they had guns or not, he just opened fire on them.

          You haven’t clarified much of anything

          Sure I have, you just ignore it because if you interpreted my comment as written and intended, you’d have to apologise.

          You very much have a straw man that you wanted to rail against

          Nope, just generic gun owners pushing generic gun owner talking points and making generic gun owner promises that get people killed.

          Civility could still use a bit of polishing up.

          How about the civility of explaining how you would change gun laws to prevent more of these mass shootings?

          Children get mutilated beyond recognition and what does the pro-gun crowd do? Rush to social media to attack and dogpile anyone demanding change.

          They’ve had 20 years of civility so unless you’re going to start contributing and supporting actual solutions, you can stick your civility sideways up your piss hole.

          • @magnusrufus
            1 year ago

            The civility of explaining how I would change gun laws? What on earth do you think civility means? You almost sounds like an AI speaking in patterns that sound like conversations but with no understanding of the actual words. I already said if you started behaving we could talk about other stuff

            What political view of yours did I already make up?

            I didn’t dismiss that bi_tux is a gun owner. Again what nonsense is this? Him being a minority gun owner is the foundation of this entire thread.

            That the Jacksonville victims were gunned down by a legal gun owner that didn’t care if his victims were armed or not backs up bi_tux not you. Minorities, armed or not, are the targets of lethal violence. Them not being armed didn’t save them. The fear and hate that causes the violence of shooting random people belonging to minority groups at stores or on door steps is there regardless of if minorities are armed or not.

            You haven’t clarified anything. You’ve jumped to about ten different topics. State clearly and concisely how bi_tux is the cause of black children getting shot in the face.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Sorry, you’ll have to flaunt your dogshit reading comprehension elsewhere, there’s been another mass shooting.