Title. We keep ours at 75F, parents do 77F, and in laws 68F. It made me curious what everyone else keeps theirs at?

  • @Falmarri
    -31 year ago

    Where is freezing in Celsius? Because it’s very unlikely to be 0 where you happen to be at any given time.

    Water boiling is totally irrelevant to what we care about as humans living in an environment

      • @Falmarri
        -21 year ago

        100% serious and this is a hill in willing to die on

    • @Zippy
      11 year ago

      It is almost always at zero or close enough on earth that it doesn’t matter.

      But 72f means something more than 25c? It is all relative but one measurement refers to states we can relate to. The other is a bit random.

      • @Falmarri
        -21 year ago

        Yes it does. It means it’s 72% hot, because most human environmental temperatures that you experience are from 0 to 100