The president has taken shots at Trump over a number of issues in recent months, but he has stayed largely silent on the four separate indictments against his predecessor.

  • Verdant Banana
    -202 years ago

    does not need to only has to lie his ass off about anything just like Trump and people bow down at the vote box

    climate change, voting rights, bodily autonomy, protecting protected wildlife areas, etcetera he promised it all what about cop city or oil drilling on Native Sacred Land doubling as protected wildlife area he greenlit to be drilled for oil

    where are the real candidates? Jill Stein was tied to a chair by Obama for wanting to debate with everyone else the person who Biden ran as vice president with Bernie ran and embodied all of what the “democrats” supposedly stood for

    not able to vote btw Biden took mine and others away through a series of laws voted on jointly by republicans over the decades F##K THE DEMOPUBLICANS

    • Neato
      72 years ago

      Biden stole this guy’s punctuation, too!