Lemmy.world is temporarily disabling open signups and moving to an application-required signup process, due to ongoing issues with malicious bot accounts.

We know this is a major step to take, but we believe that it’s the right one for both us and our community right now.

We’re working on a better long-term technical solution to these bots, but that will take time to create, test, and verify that it doesn’t cause any problems with federation and how our users use our site, and we’d rather make sure we get it right than have a site that’s broken.

We’re making this change on 28 Aug 2023, and don’t have a specific timeline for how long registrations will require an application, but we will post an update once our new anti-abuse measures are in place and working.

Take care, LW Team

        • The Picard Maneuver
          62 years ago

          Oh that’s how you’re doing it! I was looking for any lemmy.world posts in my feed to see if I was alone with this issue, and I almost messaged you to see how you got it to work. Lol

    • @TheGoldenGod
      92 years ago

      Looks like lemmyshitpost is down at the moment. 🤔

    • @Alchemy
      22 years ago

      Im getting this same error roughly a day later from your post. On both mobile and desktop.

      • The Picard Maneuver
        22 years ago

        Yeah, I know they’re busy trying to figure out how to deal with the attacks, so no pressure on them to restore it immediately. I just made an alt account yesterday and will post from there for a bit until this gets sorted.

        • @Alchemy
          22 years ago

          Have you seen it mentioned anywhere why lemmyshitpost was the targeted community?

          • The Picard Maneuver
            22 years ago

            Nope, but I browse by All a lot and would guess that it was the most active comm on lemmy.world by good margin. They’re definitely targeting lemmy.world and trying to disrupt it.