• @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Hey everybody, look at mr fancy pants over here! My bags did not come with any sort of fastening device, and besides, that’s why I own a 3d printer. To solve problems like this.

      (Begin infomercial acting)
      Narrator: Is messing with carabiners too hard sometimes?
      [actor fumbles with carabiner and drops it on the floor]
      Narrator: Does your arthritis prevent you from working those tiny little carabiners?
      [actor rubs their hands like they are in pain]
      Narrator: Do you forget to unclasp your carabiner when you finish shopping?
      [show shopping cart with 20+ carabiners attached]
      Narrator: Well fumble no more with the handy Shopping Cart Bag Holder by Figco™.
      [show someone happily shopping]
      Narrator: Act now while supplies last, only $99.99 + shipping and handling.