[Mention your Sex if you are comfortable, I want to see the breakdown between the sexes here]

I just tried to skim through Linux User Manual and it was really quite informative and made me think of reading it someday, but I kinda know for a fact that that someday might never come, but it’s truly a shame though.

Now, you, yes you! Have you read the user manual of your Operating system!

[I am wasting a lot of time on here, so I won’t be engaging or enraging y’all, but this is a good convo topic, isn’t it? (try that on a girl), I just wanted to know how many or how few people read UMs]___

  • @j4k3
    21 year ago

    I’ve read the Gentoo handbook and Sakaki’s old guide, if that counts.

    Reading the entire user manual doesn’t seem relevant. IMO it is a reference work; like reading all of Wikipedia or a dictionary. A manual is not a tutorial, and neither are a wiki reference article database. Most users likely expect a more intuitive design where the proper reference materials either make themselves available when needed or are never needed at all.