Leftwing senator advises ‘unification of progressive people in general’ because threat from Republican ex-president is too great

Progressive US voters must unite behind Joe Biden rather than consider any of his Democratic primary challengers because the threat of another Donald Trump presidency is too great, Bernie Sanders has said.

“We’re taking on the … former president, who, in fact, does not believe in democracy – he is an authoritarian, and a very, very dangerous person,” the senator and Vermont independent, who caucuses with Democrats, said on NBC’s Meet the Press. “I think at this moment there has to be unification of progressive people in general in all of this country.”

Sanders’ remarks came as Trump continued grappling with more than 90 criminal charges across four separate indictments filed against him for his efforts to forcibly nullify his defeat to Biden in the 2020 presidential race, his illicit retention of classified documents, and hush-money payments to porn actor Stormy Daniels.

Despite the unprecedented legal peril confronting him, Trump enjoys a commanding lead over his competitors in the Republican presidential primary, polls show.

And though polling for now shows Biden generally is ahead of Trump, that has not stopped Robert F Kennedy Jr and Marianne Williamson from mounting long-shot Democratic primary challenges – or third-party progressive candidate Cornel West from running.

Sanders himself was the runner-up for the Democratic nomination in the 2016 White House race won by Trump and in 2020, with West among his supporters. But Sanders this time quickly endorsed Biden’s re-election campaign, a decision which prompted West to accuse him of only backing Biden because he is “fearful of the neo-fascism of Trump”.

The senator responded to that criticism on Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, saying, “Where I disagree with my good friend Cornel West is – I think, in these really very difficult times, there is a real question whether democracy is going to remain in the United States of America.

“You know, Donald Trump is not somebody who believes in democracy, whether women are going to be able to continue to control their own bodies, whether we have social justice in America, [whether] we end bigotry.”

Sanders didn’t elaborate, but his remarks seemed to be an allusion to the Trump White House’s creation of the US supreme court supermajority, which last year struck down the federal abortion rights that the Roe v Wade decision had established decades earlier.

That court also struck down race-conscious admissions in higher education as well as a Colorado law that required entities to afford same-sex couples equal treatment, among other decisions lamented by progressives.

“Around that, I think we have got to bring the entire progressive community to defeat Trump – or whoever the Republican nominee will be – [and] support Biden,” Sanders added on State of the Union.

Sanders nonetheless said he planned to push Biden to tackle “corporate greed and the massive levels of income and wealth inequality” across the US. On Meet the Press, he suggested he would urge Biden to “take on the billionaire class”.

Those comments came about four months after Sanders called on the US government to confiscate 100% of any money that Americans make above $999m, saying people with that much wealth “can survive just fine” without becoming billionaires.

  • Jaysyn
    9 months ago

    Done and done, Bernie.

    West to accuse him of only backing Biden because he is “fearful of the neo-fascism of Trump.

    That quote shows how frankly, stupid, Cornel West is. Game theory & math show that it is impossible for a 3rd party run to succeed with US style FPtP voting in place. Get rid of that & then we can talk, but not to you, shit for brains.

      • btaf45
        249 months ago

        Yep Bernie is right, 100%.

        He always had been. I’ve never known him to be wrong.

      • Zagorath
        119 months ago

        Damn, fake London actually did something good? I’m sure it’s not the first time that’s happened, but it is the first time I’ve heard of that happening, as a non-Canadian.

        But I believe that’s not the first, and won’t be the last, time Ontario has regressively overruled the democratic will for genuinely beneficial change.

        • Sean
          19 months ago

          @Kalkaline @TokenBoomer I didn’t subscribe either, but the single-party state and city of New York isn’t welcoming to small democracy. The article is from December 2020,and prior to the unreasonable ballot access reforms that culled the candidates for governor from a handful in 2018 to only the duopoply in 2022, a first time in generations for a state that has fusion ballot for over a century going from one of the most reliable minor party accessible states to that of the least accessible.

        • @[email protected]
          -59 months ago

          Don’t put this on people posting links.

          Use a browser extension if it’s personally important to you, or just paste the link in yourself. Archive sites go offline; they shouldn’t be primary link sources.

          • Zorque
            9 months ago

            It’s personally important to the person sharing it. The reason they’re not subscribing is because it isn’t personally important.

            If you want to share information, you need to take the responsibility of making sure it’s readable. You can’t just throw shit at the wall and expect everyone else to interpret it correctly. That’s a recipe for misunderstanding and divisiveness.

            • @TokenBoomer
              -19 months ago

              We’re not all rich like Zorque subscribing to 55 newspapers.

            • @[email protected]
              -59 months ago

              You didn’t really read or engage with any of my points, so I’ll ignore your lecture about misunderstanding.

              • Zorque
                19 months ago

                Just because I didn’t parrot something you personally agree doesn’t mean I didn’t engage.

                But I suppose if you only want to hear what conforms to your viewpoints, that’s your prerogative.

                • @[email protected]
                  29 months ago

                  You’re winning an argument that no one is having with you, great job 👍

                  You didn’t respond to the substance of my comment. Links to paywalled articles are trivial to paste into a site like archive.is. Archive sites are taken down all the time, it makes no sense to provide them as the primary source of a link.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Or just like, compete in a Democratic primary like Bernie did. Maybe don’t shoot for president on your literal first attempt, but you can if you really want to. Bernie was way more successful in promoting his message running in those Democratic primaries than any of the random Greens have ever been.

    • Sorchist
      39 months ago

      I mean, if Trump won and abolished all elections and declared himself dictator for life, then West’s chances of being elected president as a third party candidate wouldn’t actually change one way or the other.

      So maybe being a feckless third party candidate in an authoritarian neofascist dictatorship isn’t really that different from being a feckless third party candidate in a constitutional democracy.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      a 3rd party run to succeed with US style FPtP voting in place

      However as 2016 showed it is also impossible for the FPTP lesser of two evils routine to keep kicking the can down the road forever, you eventually will land on the “bandit” sector on trying to yet again run the Russian roulette of “surely the fear of the greater evil will again make the lesser evil win”.

      Since lesser of two evils too long leads to apathy. People won’t be rebelling by voting for Trump, by voting for even Cornel West, they won’t be even really rebelling at all. Instead they will be so disillusioned by decades of lesser of two evil, they will instead sign up for extra shift of work or decide to sleep in bed to rest for a day instead of going voting.

      The great enemy of Democrats is not Trump, it is sleeping peoples party and you don’t win against sleeping peoples party with negative campaigning and fear mongering. It will just make them sleep more. Only thing to make them awake is positive campaigning. Likeable, popular, enthusiasm generating candidates and platforms. The message of “no we can make a change” instead of “please help us keep the status guo alive for 4 more years by kicking the can down the road by preventing greater evil for these four years.”

    • @[email protected]
      09 months ago

      Who do you think is smarter, a leading intellectual, harvard professor and still relevant figure or a kbin poster?

      While I don’t prescribe that smarts matter perspective does and my perspective is that it seems you are missing something. Do you think a person critically looking at our system and having spoken with very learned people for decades knows more than you or maybe talks on a different framework? I sure hope you do reflect on that again.

    • Yostme
      -29 months ago

      Have you considered that Cornell West supporters don’t want Biden either? Maybe in their eyes the only choices are to vote for West or to not vote at all.

        • Yostme
          -59 months ago

          You should probably leave the house more often then.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            I leave my house every day and probably interact with 30 or more people, also every day

            People talk politics all the time, never once have I heard anyone mention Cornell West

            • @[email protected]
              9 months ago

              I drive a cab and talk politics all day in one of the most leftist regions in the US. I’ve never so much as heard the name in person. Including from other socialists and active agitators for workers rights.