I figured we should have a post for random thoughts, questions and other comments that people might want to do without having to create a new post just for that.

Do people agree this idea? We can have these up (possibly pinned) for a while. Maybe a few days, at most a week.

Please keep discussion spoiler free, unless you are using the appropriate tags.


  • @FireTower
    72 years ago

    Any one else doing any weird multi classes? I’m doing ancient paladin with two levels in druid.

    • Gyromobile
      52 years ago

      Thats an odd multiclass i guess it gives you wildshape but not sure why else youd want it.

      I get crossclassing into fighter for a level for armor or to rogue for a few for bonus action moves/disengage or for sneak attack. The magic classes seem to not be so favorable to crossclass into though.

      • @FireTower
        42 years ago

        I did it to expand on paladin’s versatility/tanky-ness plus get more spell slots.

    • Coelacanth
      52 years ago

      My main character is a Gloomstalker 3/Assassin 3/Shadow Monk 6 mix, but after finally getting enough Monk levels and gear to want to use only fists I discovered they don’t work with the Gloomstalker extra attack, so I might change to just Assassin/Monk.

      Character one I won’t name because of spoilers is Eldritch Knight 5/Druid of the Land 7 because I wanted to keep them a fighter/druid for lore reasons. It’s surprisingly decent to have access to Extra Attack, Shield and Magic Missile though. Obviously not an inherently powerful combo, but good enough.

      Character two I won’t name for spoiler reasons is Berserker Barbarian 3/Hunter Ranger 3/Champion Fighter 6 because I wanted them to be a Berserking Ranger for lore reasons and Battle Master felt too complex for that character. It does what you would expect, which is hit stuff hard and not much else.

      I respecced Shadowheart to Life Cleric 1 and the rest in Lore Bard. Not really an odd multiclass but it’s very powerful. Bless, Guidance, Heavy Armor, the Life Cleric healing buff plus the full bard experience.