I figured we should have a post for random thoughts, questions and other comments that people might want to do without having to create a new post just for that.

Do people agree this idea? We can have these up (possibly pinned) for a while. Maybe a few days, at most a week.

Please keep discussion spoiler free, unless you are using the appropriate tags.


  • @Shinzid
    372 years ago

    I love karlach she’s so cute

    • @JimmyMcGillOP
      252 years ago

      Don’t we all?

      Her voice lines are also great. We find a trapped chest:

      Normal characters: “Watch out!! It’s trapped!!”

      Karlach: “hehehe this is going to be fun”

  • @[email protected]
    162 years ago

    Act 3 is really something. I am loving all the wheeling and dealing happening. I wish it was optimized better, but the story is so exciting. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

    Also, I’ve been comparing notes with my husband on his playthrough and I have had important story scenes with characters that have never appeared in his playthrough. He and I also have opposite outcomes for several companions and it’s kind of mind blowing how big the differences are.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      Act 3 has been a mass of script errors for me. I feel like every time I play, I have a scene where a companion talks about a plot line we have already resolved, or acts like something happened that didn’t. It has actually really dampened my enthusiasm for the game, compared to how polished Act 1 was especially.

      I hope your playthrough continues going well!

      • @[email protected]
        62 years ago

        I have had one instance where Gale chided me for making a deal with a character I hadn’t even met yet. And the romance path with Minthara seems to be broken completely. I’m still having a blast, though.

        • @[email protected]
          62 years ago

          Yeah gale is completely broken for me. Keeps bringing up his conversation from the end of act 2 and then talking to me about taking the deal which I never did. Rinse repeat.

    • @[email protected]
      32 years ago

      I chopped off Games hand and he never joined the party, but I still get comments from the others about him haha

      I’ve reposted acts 1 and 2, 3 times now, haven’t finished 3 yet.

    • @JimmyMcGillOP
      92 years ago

      Same here

      I guess if more people feel like that we can have that here.

      And honestly I sometimes go on the BG3 subreddit on my pc but it’s a mess. Everything is tagged as a spoiler, from critical Act3 spoilers to a meme that has 0 spoilers. Maybe here we can be less but more organized

      • @[email protected]
        42 years ago

        Feels like people on Lemmy have been a little more careful about spoilers in general anyway since there isn’t robust support for the tags across all the apps yet.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    I wish this game came out during a dry spell. I’m like a quarter of the way through act 3 after 110 hours and all I want to do is replay bg1/2, pillars of eternity 1/2, Pathfinder 1/2… I need an irl haste spell

    Also, playing as shadowheart has been the absolute best experience. Rping as a sharran and just being manipulative as fuck to everyone has been super fun. Plus interacting with your god is fucking dope.

    • @[email protected]
      42 years ago

      Yeah, I’m almost done bg3, just in time for starfield, but I wish there was some downtime so I could start a fresh bg1/2 run.

  • @aJazzyFeel
    142 years ago

    Let it be known: I had my first kiss yesterday and it was awesome!

    • @JimmyMcGillOP
      72 years ago

      Still haven’t had mine

      But I’m hoping it will be a hot one (literally)

  • NerfHerder
    112 years ago

    Just crossed the bridge into act 2. Never played 1 or 2 but this game has me HOOKED.

    • @JimmyMcGillOP
      52 years ago


      I was losing momentum at the end of Act 1 because my gf wanted to check every single box and nook but Act 2 is starting to ramp up.

      Listened to DOS 2 soundtrack at work non stop today.

      • NerfHerder
        32 years ago

        Maybe later this week I’ll get some time to really dig in on chapter 2.

  • @KarmicSquish
    112 years ago

    I love this game but there is so much to do and so many different ways to play I always feel like I’m going to miss something critical or just really interesting that I almost have anxiety about it.

    All I’ll say is the replay value of this game is waaay off the charts

    • @JimmyMcGillOP
      102 years ago

      I see that as the opposite of a problem. Play it once and do a lot of things, then you play it again and it’s like 80% a new game? Fuck yes.

      Just keep playing and replaying until that new factor goes way down.

    • @MirthfulAlembic
      82 years ago

      I initially had the same worry. The game becomes a lot more enjoyable if you take a hard roleplaying approach: only do what your character would do, not what a completionist good two shoes would do. From early in my first playthrough, I had already decided that I was going to do a few more. So, it doesn’t feel like it matters if you really obviously miss some content.

    • Meldrik
      22 years ago

      I played through act 1 and then restarted because I wanted to try another build. I thought I had done everything and discovered all I could, but boy was I wrong. Maybe I’m just a noob, but there was so much more I hadn’t discovered in my first run.

  • Bleeping Lobster
    92 years ago

    All this running around trying to lift a curse, but no-one seems to be discussing whatever curse locked the necks of every creature in Faerun so they cannot look upwards.

    Someone cast some sort of stone-spell on the kingdoms’ necks, clearly.

    • Ada
      52 years ago

      Say what? My halfling PC has to look up at everyone in every cut scene

      • Bleeping Lobster
        42 years ago

        A gaping hole in my argument! Maybe I should reroll as a halfling just for the ‘looking up’ ability haha.

        • Ada
          32 years ago

          Maybe only halflings and gnomes have flexible necks?

          • Bleeping Lobster
            22 years ago

            Makes sense seeing as they’re going to be looking up so much. Now, if only someone could make a mod that applies the smaller-folk view at the standard height, a half-elf can dream!

  • @Curdie
    82 years ago

    I’m nearing the end of act III with a couple of friends and I’m having a great time. I’m very likely to have a 2nd and maybe 3rd playthrough coming up. I love the game as it is, but I do have a few complaints.

    My biggest complaint is that we can’t just let a more appropriate character take over a conversation. One of my clumsy, dim-witted brawler friends runs ahead by one pixel triggering a cutscene, and I can’t jump in mid-conversation to smooth things over with my bardic talent. This is our most common reason for loading a previous save.

    Second biggest complaint is the number of things that you can mis-click to destroy your character’s reputation. I’d love to be able to opt-in to an “are you sure” dialog when you accidentally click a random item on the floor while moving around. This is our second most common reason for loading a previous save.

    Absolutely loving the game despite some very confusing storyline elements that must have relied on earlier foundational elements that we missed.

    • Anomander
      72 years ago

      My biggest complaint is that we can’t just let a more appropriate character take over a conversation. One of my clumsy, dim-witted brawler friends runs ahead by one pixel triggering a cutscene, and I can’t jump in mid-conversation to smooth things over with my bardic talent. This is our most common reason for loading a previous save.

      Yeah, we were running into this in my game with my buddy; I’m definitely the dumbass running ahead because I’ve got stealth and dex for scouting, but invisible cutscene/conversation triggers keep catching us and my dunce of a character gets stuck talking to the punters. It’s kind of frustrating that the game encourages players to specialize in that way, but then makes it rather hard to take full advantage of that specialization if you don’t set up the encounter absolutely perfectly.

      The other one where that happens is that when a combat encounter ends with dialogue - first Auntie Ethel fight, say - the game picks the character who had the last turn as who Auntie is talking to when the conversation starts. In that case, it’s almost always the party member doing big damage that pushed her past the damage threshold, and they’re generally not built for talking to people.

      Those get even more frustrating because there’s an interface option to swap who’s talking, but it doesn’t seem to actually work in the majority of important conversations. It’s only when talking to filler characters that I can hot-swap who’s talking. I’d also love if, in addition to that button working more consistently - it’d tell you if someone in the party has ‘unique’ dialogue options for that moment. I think that having the whole party participate in conversations is chaotic and hard to implement in multiplayer - but a better capture of how those same interactions ‘would’ play out in a D&D game.

      Second biggest complaint is the number of things that you can mis-click to destroy your character’s reputation. I’d love to be able to opt-in to an “are you sure” dialog when you accidentally click a random item on the floor while moving around.

      It’s very frustrating to get a whole faction pissed at you due to misclicking some ‘owned’ container or accidentally dragging a barrel. Gith creche was a nightmare for that, because every room and hallway is decorated with owned containers. Some measure to make it harder to accidentally loot someone’s mold cheese while they’re standing right in front of you would be really valuable.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    This is certainly a good idea. I’ve had random thoughts but my friends bailed on the game already 😭

    What’s been top of mind lately is how I don’t find any of the companions boring. With every other Bioware/Bioware-like game I’ve played with this companion system, there’s always been a dud. I’m on a second run now and I’m really impressed with Lae’zel’s writing and mocap. Maybe I’m imagining things but I could swear she was quaking during a scene where she was particularly full of zealous fervor.

    Gale is the other one that I never put in the party on my first run. I know not everyone likes him–and I’m still not sure I really do–but his story is still interesting to me.

    Edit to add: My second run here is with Storm Sorcerer, and this could be the most fun I’ve had in a game with a lightning build (always a top power fantasy for me). I love how loud the sound effects are. Too many games have little bzzt bzzt sounds with lightning spells and these are all big booms. Even a cantrip like Shocking Grasp!

    • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 🇮 🏆
      2 years ago

      How can you not like Gale? He’s adorably charming. I find it hard not to take him and actually do some stuff with someone else, but then… I have that issue with them all because they are indeed all interesting and fun to be around. I can’t even choose a favorite, which was always easy in past games like BG1/2, Torment, and NWN (Minsc, Morte, Deekin).

    • @fqdnDOTcom
      22 years ago

      Yes! The companions are so good that for the first time in a game like this I could decide on a core party for my first play through. I’ve always been able to eliminate a lot of characters as boring or not my speed, but not in this game. I got as far as the crèche in act 1.5 before I got too frustrated with it and installed a party size mod so I can just bring them all with me

  • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
    72 years ago

    I like this idea, like a weekly discussion post, maybe twice per week if posts become too many.

  • @FireTower
    72 years ago

    Any one else doing any weird multi classes? I’m doing ancient paladin with two levels in druid.

    • Gyromobile
      52 years ago

      Thats an odd multiclass i guess it gives you wildshape but not sure why else youd want it.

      I get crossclassing into fighter for a level for armor or to rogue for a few for bonus action moves/disengage or for sneak attack. The magic classes seem to not be so favorable to crossclass into though.

      • @FireTower
        42 years ago

        I did it to expand on paladin’s versatility/tanky-ness plus get more spell slots.

    • Coelacanth
      52 years ago

      My main character is a Gloomstalker 3/Assassin 3/Shadow Monk 6 mix, but after finally getting enough Monk levels and gear to want to use only fists I discovered they don’t work with the Gloomstalker extra attack, so I might change to just Assassin/Monk.

      Character one I won’t name because of spoilers is Eldritch Knight 5/Druid of the Land 7 because I wanted to keep them a fighter/druid for lore reasons. It’s surprisingly decent to have access to Extra Attack, Shield and Magic Missile though. Obviously not an inherently powerful combo, but good enough.

      Character two I won’t name for spoiler reasons is Berserker Barbarian 3/Hunter Ranger 3/Champion Fighter 6 because I wanted them to be a Berserking Ranger for lore reasons and Battle Master felt too complex for that character. It does what you would expect, which is hit stuff hard and not much else.

      I respecced Shadowheart to Life Cleric 1 and the rest in Lore Bard. Not really an odd multiclass but it’s very powerful. Bless, Guidance, Heavy Armor, the Life Cleric healing buff plus the full bard experience.

  • EtherealMoon
    2 years ago

    Fantastic game. I’ve tried to get my wife to play other multiplayer WRPGs like Divinity and NWN2 in the past, and this one finally hooked her hard.

    We’re on our second run and I’m a bit disappointed in playing Monk. Way of the Hand/Tavern Brawler is too good, if not a little boring, and invalidates the other subclasses a bit. I wonder if I can multi into Sorcerer or something fun without making a huge mess.

    • skulblaka
      32 years ago

      Multi into Barbarian and just go hard on throwing motherfuckers at other motherfuckers! You can just pick up an enemy and yeet them directly off a cliff, or into other characters, if they’re small enough and your strength is good enough.

    • @JimmyMcGillOP
      32 years ago

      Idk but you can always try it :)

      Save before and tell us what happens

      I definitely interacted with it.

      Pro tip: do it at camp

        • @[email protected]
          22 years ago

          Unfortunately, I don’t think you can put a new thing into the bottle, but it would be hilarious if you could.

          • That’s what I wanna find out. It would only work on extraplanar entities. There are few characters I can be sure are extraplanar… Some of the candidates, like the tieflings, including Karlach, could have just as easily been born in Faerun. Lae’zel isn’t, and I am pretty sure all the illithids may work. Again, assuming the game lets you actually use it the same as PnP rules.

    • @[email protected]
      42 years ago

      Yeah, the farther I play the more bugs I experience. Act3 has had tons, there’s been a few reloads because something didn’t happen that was supposed to. It was the same for DOS2 though.