The last FIVE times I’ve ordered a tuna salad sandwich at a diner, it’s been just tuna, not tuna salad. This is very upsetting, and for the sake of preveserving my marriage I’m not able to just make tuna salad at home. Does anyone know where I can get one?

Places I know I can’t get one:

  • Margie’s Candies

  • Bridgeport Coffeehouse

  • Moon’s Sandwich Shop (Western & Madison)

Please. It’s been so long.

  • @PhilSpiderman
    2 years ago

    Try Cozy Corner Restaurant in Logan. The pic in Caviar for their tuna salad sandwich looks like it probably has celery in it at minimum. Never heard of corn or peas in tuna salad.

    Or just search yelp. There are a bunch of results around the city with photos of the sandwich for you to judge.