• @samus12345
    1 year ago

    Florida holds a unique status within these states, with travel advisories warning against visits. The “do not travel” recommendation extends to even connecting flights through Florida. As of July 1, transgender individuals could face up to a year in jail for using the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. This risk persists even for those who have legally altered their identification documents. The state retains the power to investigate an individual’s birth gender to determine if a crime has been committed simply by using the bathroom - investigations that could involve genital exams, chromosome testing, and more.

    Wow, that’s some serious third world country shit. Horrifying!

    • fadingembers
      31 year ago

      It’s not just Florida, all of the other red states are trying to pass similar laws. The courts have been striking many of them down, though it’s only a matter of time until they find a way to write them vaguely enough that the courts don’t care.