F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device.
Most of the apps of tibor kaputa. I really like the simple gallery. The simple dialer and simple contacts are also really good. Just clean default apps that do what they should.(adfree)
The UX for Mindustry sucks compared to something like Factorio, because it’s really tough to do those controls on touch screen, but it’s good enough. I’ve enjoyed it for the little I tried.
I prefer LibreTube because it doesn’t look outdated and it uses Piped, so you never actually connect to the YouTube servers and you can synchronize your subscriptions and playlists
Thanks to US infrastructure I don’t need yet another map just for public transport! Thanks US government for looking out for us little people! (I really don’t think this is needed, but /s just in case.)
What kinda good stuff is on F Droid they the average User might want?
Most of the apps of tibor kaputa. I really like the simple gallery. The simple dialer and simple contacts are also really good. Just clean default apps that do what they should.(adfree)
Endless Sky and Mindustry are some good, fun, deep games.
oh and shattered pixel dungeon also…
The UX for Mindustry sucks compared to something like Factorio, because it’s really tough to do those controls on touch screen, but it’s good enough. I’ve enjoyed it for the little I tried.
Newpipe in particular is super important. It’s a better YouTube app with more features and no ads.
Sorry for not supporting Google, I know they need more money… /s
I prefer LibreTube because it doesn’t look outdated and it uses Piped, so you never actually connect to the YouTube servers and you can synchronize your subscriptions and playlists
Agreed. LibreTube is really good.
Just got it. Amazing! Thanks!
It’s a fantastic app. Remember to set your default YouTube links to open with it also, you can do that with android in app settings.
Osmand (offline GPS maps)
Same version as the android store but free.
redreader, newpipe, session messenger(needs repo thing from website), aurora store, simple gallery pro
I use LibreSudoku. It’s a very nice Sudoku app.
Pretty much all the basics are covered, here are some examples:
And then of course all you power-ish user stuff (alternate launchers, clients for self-hosted clouds and stuff, terminal emulators…)
Worth noting while checking out Aves libre it seems the developer has renamed it to just Aves and continued updating.
New to f-droid so if I have this wrong let me know
Öffi, a non sucking public transportation app.
Thanks to US infrastructure I don’t need yet another map just for public transport! Thanks US government for looking out for us little people! (I really don’t think this is needed, but /s just in case.)