cross-posted from:

Democratic Gov. Jared Polis called the Gadsden flag ‘a proud symbol of the American revolution’ after a a Colorado student was told to remove a patch of the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag from his backpack.

  • Flying Squid
    141 year ago

    Ok, so what? You’re protesting the idea in another thread that conservatives eventually will want all queer people dead by saying incidents of violence were isolated and here you’re arguing that the actions of a single person can be expanded to all progressives.

    Make up your mind.

    • diprount_tomato
      1 year ago

      Where do you find a “dissonance”? If anything it’s you because you’re claiming that few incidents represent around half of th US, while I just said that progressives relevant to the boy wanted to censor him

      • Flying Squid
        41 year ago

        That was not what the claim I was responding to said.

          • Flying Squid
            51 year ago

            That is not relevant to this thread. We are talking about the claim that progressives want to ban all right-wing imagery. You are muddying the waters. Intentionally. Don’t be dishonest.

              • Flying Squid
                31 year ago

                Still haven’t read those articles I provided you I see.

                • diprount_tomato
                  -31 year ago

                  That is not relevant to this thread. We are talking about the claim that progressives want to ban all right-wing imagery. You are muddying the waters. Intentionally. Don’t be dishonest.

                  • Flying Squid
                    21 year ago

                    Sorry, you have proven yourself to be dishonest in the other thread. Goodbye.

      • @Riccosuave
        31 year ago

        Wait…you actually think that 50% of the United States population self-identifies as either conservative, Republican, or some combination of the two? You need to get your fucking head examined.

        If it wasn’t for gerrymandering and the electoral college Republicans would be getting draxxed in literally every single presidential election as well as a significantly larger number of Congressional and Senatorial elections.

        • diprount_tomato
          -51 year ago

          Sure sure, that’s why it’s always around 50/50 with a slim majority that allows each party to govern

          • @Riccosuave
            1 year ago

            Wrong, it is because:

            • Republicans push policies that intentionally attempt to reduce voter turnout.

            • The Senate does not allow for proportional representation.

            • Congressional districts are so heavily gerrymandered it is a fucking joke. Then when the LITERAL Supreme Court tells Republican led states to re-draw their maps they refuse (Alabama).

            • Presidential elections aren’t decided by the popular vote which has leaned Democratic in every election by millions of votes over the last 30 years with the exception of Bush’s second term which was an aberration due to the post 9/11 mind-virus and on-going wars in the middle east.

            There is no conservative majority in this country no matter how you slice the pie. The game is rigged to allow conservatives an implicit advantage in rural states with lower populations to be over represented in national elections as well as in both legislative houses.

            I don’t know why I’m even wasting my fucking time on you…I lost the minute I started typing, but the shit you said was so fucking stupid I just couldn’t help myself…

            • diprount_tomato
              -41 year ago

              What a surprise, cities are progressive and rural areas are conservative! It’s almost like that’s what happens everywhere

              • @Riccosuave
                41 year ago

                You specifically argued that conservatives represent “roughly half” of the country. They don’t. It isn’t even close to that.

                • diprount_tomato
                  -41 year ago

                  Just because you never left your city doesn’t mean everyone’s a Super-Sozialist activist

                  • @Riccosuave
                    1 year ago

                    I understand the mathematical realities that allow a minority party to at some points control a majority position within the government.

                    Just because you are too fucking stupid to understand that does not mean that 50% of the country is right wing. Go back to r/conservative with the rest of the circle jerkers.