Republican Georgia state Sen. Colton Moore on Tuesday told “War Room” host Steve Bannon that he plans to push the legislature to defund Fulton District Attorney Fani Willis’ prosecution of former President Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants, arguing that Trump’s prosecution threatens to ignite a “civil war.” Moore complained that indicted fellow state Sen. Shawn Still is going to have to spend “a million dollars” to defend himself in the case. “It’s just like Nazi Germany,” Moore claimed. “I mean, they want to call us the Nazis and their actions are Nazism.”

  • @Chunk
    11 year ago

    I don’t think that’s true. It was the bloodiest war in US history. The North probably wasn’t going to lose, they had too much going for them, but the insurrectionists weren’t a rambunctious group of terrorists. They had a trained and equipped army and the officer corp on both sides were equally well trained. If the British had intervened, as the South was petitioning them to do, we would have had an enormous problem on our hands. Lincoln declaring emancipation was, in part, meant to appeal to anti slavery activists in Parliament, whom at this point had significant political clout in the empire.

    The idea that the North sat around and sipped coffee while their industrial and financial bases smashed the south is too simple.