Republican Georgia state Sen. Colton Moore on Tuesday told “War Room” host Steve Bannon that he plans to push the legislature to defund Fulton District Attorney Fani Willis’ prosecution of former President Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants, arguing that Trump’s prosecution threatens to ignite a “civil war.” Moore complained that indicted fellow state Sen. Shawn Still is going to have to spend “a million dollars” to defend himself in the case. “It’s just like Nazi Germany,” Moore claimed. “I mean, they want to call us the Nazis and their actions are Nazism.”

  • @givesomefucks
    1271 year ago

    Moore’s remarks came as Georgia GOP Senate leaders seek to find a way to punish Willis for bringing charges against Trump. "I told one senator… we’ve got to put our heads together and figure this out. We need to be taking action right now.

    Pretty sure they just admitted obstruction of justice and some conspiracy charges…

  • be_excellent_to_each_other
    1201 year ago

    Please folks, especially those of you who like to push the “both sides” narrative. Recognize that while Democrats are not perfect, they are not these batshit insane Republicans that have wormed their way into power.

    I want more choices, too. But until we have them - Republicans have been telling us exactly who they are since about 2016. Believe them. And do not vote them into power. Not locally, not at the state level, and for sure not at the federal level.

    They have proven that they are incapable of seeing laws as anything more than tools to be leveraged against those not like them, and that they will skip right to violence when that fails.

    I told one senator… we’ve got to put our heads together and figure this out. We need to be taking action right now. Because if we don’t, our constituencies are gonna be fighting it in the streets. Do you want a civil war? I don’t want a civil war. I don’t want to have to draw my rifle. I want to make this problem go away with my legislative means of doing so,"

    Translation: “Just do what I say so I don’t have to get violent.”

    Sounds a lot like an abuser explaining how if only you hadn’t made him angry, he wouldn’t have had to beat you.

    Fuck these people. Get them out of power.

    • @Leviathan
      431 year ago

      Translation: “Just do what I say so I don’t have to get violent.”

      Literal fascism

    • @PostmodernPythia
      91 year ago

      Every time a popular vote loser wins the presidency, convincing people that voting will get anyone out of power becomes harder. Definitely vote if you’re in a swing state, because it can be harm reduction for the most vulnerable, but don’t pretend getting the Dems in will improve things much for most people. Our entire system is moribund, we just haven’t figured it out yet.

      • be_excellent_to_each_other
        281 year ago

        Republicans haven’t even fucked things up to the degree they want to yet. Dems may be less effective than we’d like, and some of them may not give a shit at all. But R is fully committed, pedal to the metal, driving towards the cliff edge, on a number of different axes. (that’s plural of axis not plural of axe. Am I misspelling that?)

        I’ll take anything that is less bad than that.

        If folks can vote third party without it becoming a stepping stone to R wins, I have no argument with that.

  • @CavalierBob
    671 year ago

    It’s always projection on their part. Holding people accountable for their actions is “Nazism”. 🙄

  • @Treczoks
    611 year ago

    Now that he has publicly announced that he plans to use his firearms for illegal, seditious purposes, can someone please take his guns and weapon permits away?

    By this kind of threat, he has show that he is not fit to own a potentially lethal weapon.

  • @[email protected]
    591 year ago

    Republicans in Georgia aren’t the only ones with rifles.

    Trust me.

    Last time the Georgia fascists met an armed contingent–at Stone Mountain, during the BLM protests–they were the ones that backed down, not antifa.

    • @[email protected]
      211 year ago

      Lol right? These are the same people that complain about gun violence in places they don’t live, yet act like they’re tough because they have a gun? I bet most are way too afraid to actually use it

      • @PostmodernPythia
        21 year ago

        I mean, if I stay in the subway, I should be safe from them, right? 😛

    • @cmbabul
      1 year ago

      And last time Atlanta wasn’t even fighting back from within

  • @[email protected]
    581 year ago

    Moore complained that indicted fellow state Sen. Shawn Still is going to have to spend “a million dollars” to defend himself in the case. “It’s just like Nazi Germany,” Moore claimed.

    Ah yes, the legendary legal proceedings of the Nazis.

    • @Nastybutler
      141 year ago

      Well there were the Neurenburg trials, but that was at the end of their Naziing

  • @[email protected]
    561 year ago

    “I mean, they want to call us the Nazis and their actions are Nazism.”

    When I see people wearing nazi related symbols, with nazi related tattoos, waving actual nazi flags, and giving the nazi salute, then yeah I think it’s fair to call you nazis.

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        If there’s a nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 nazis.

      • @EndlessApollo
        71 year ago

        All Republicans vote for people who want to subjugate or eliminate women and minorities, so yes they’re all Nazis

  • @[email protected]
    431 year ago

    Anyone who says “I don’t want to have to draw my rifle”, wants to draw their rifle.

    Also, draw is a weird word in this context right? Draw your pistol, sure. But a rifle. I guess you can have a sling holster and technically would be “drawing” it.

    • @MossBear
      41 year ago

      Maybe they’re going to sketch it, like with a pencil.

    • @PlumberOfDeath
      31 year ago

      If you want to disarm this guy all you have to do is take his pencil.

  • @[email protected]
    401 year ago

    Of course the name of his show is “war room,” jfc. All conservatives do is fantasize about violence.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      It goes back to their religion too. Their idol murdered millions of people, including children, that disagreed with him. To a conservative “Christian” this is peak

  • @AA5B
    351 year ago

    Seems like there’s an argument that he was threatening the DA

    • @RojoSanIchiban
      161 year ago

      Colton Moore is the kind of incel invertebrate that would shoot black people in a Dollar General.

    • @4lan
      1 year ago

      I think it’s at a point where the left needs to arm themselves and train their family to operate firearms safely. 2024 will see “lone wolfs” born of stochastic terrorism like this. They are prepping the handful of armed mentally ill to commit violence on Americans if they don’t get their way.

      There were multiple bomb threats against elementary schools and libraries recently.

      • @AngryCommieKender
        91 year ago

        The SRA is way ahead of you, my comrade. Just look around. We don’t talk at the range, just shoot and train. You’ll find us.

        • @4lan
          21 year ago

          I’ve looked into them, was surprised my area didn’t have an active chapter

        • @SCB
          1 year ago

          Commies acting like they’re hard never stops being funny to me.

          In America, your communist uprising is terrorism, Comrade, not revolution.

          Your post history is chock full of calls for violence, and frankly, that’s weird for a dude in his 40s to constantly fantasize about. Grow up, man. You’re middle-aged. It’s time to stop playing kid shit.

          • @[email protected]
            51 year ago

            There are practically no American ‘communists,’ and more importantly there is statistically no American ‘left;’ that being said those of us that are left-wing never stopped being armed. Unlike American conservatives in either the democrat or republican party, we are staunchly against all gun control. As a reminder: “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered,any attempts to disarm the people must be stopped, by force if necessary.” is a Karl Marx quote, not one of the American right-wing. When the US government started rounding up and killing communists in the 1940s and 50s, we started ensuring that we were armed, and that we absolutely were not ‘card-carrying communists,’ those of us one or two generations removed now remember the stories we were told, how it affected our family, and how important it will be to stay armed regardless of whatever ‘Liberals’ say is necessary for a free state. Liberalism has lead to fascism in every fascist regime, the ‘left’ does not recognize gun control.

            • @SCB
              1 year ago

              I’m aware that there are not enough of you to count as anything more than terrorists should you start getting violent, which is why I said that.

              There will never be a communist revolution in the US.

              The rest of your opinion is meaningless because of aforementioned numbers.

              • @[email protected]
                41 year ago

                You’re right, the US will fall long before it moves the slightest bit left wing. Which is probably a good thing all considered. The first iteration of an experiment is rarely successful, and the US laid the ground work for the EU which again is an improvement on the model of mostly independent states with baseline common values in need of common defense. But when you need worker’s rights again, and you will – we’ll be there again. When you need civil rights again, and you will – we’ll be there again. We’re really, really good at surviving right-wing and fascist regimes. Really good.

                • @SCB
                  -61 year ago

                  Lmao I love when you guys get all romantic about commie shit.

          • @AngryCommieKender
            31 year ago

            When the rich stop choosing violence daily, I’ll stop calling for self defense.

            • @SCB
              -21 year ago

              Just don’t go on a big dramatic shooting spree, comrade. Being a dork on the Internet isn’t a crime.

          • mommykink
            -31 year ago

            Lmao American “communists” fantasizing about a violent uprising (that they’ll never do) never fails to make me laugh when I’m feeling down

      • mommykink
        81 year ago

        The lefts stance on gun control and violence will literally kill us. I’ve been kicked out of so many left-leaning communities for saying I own guns and target shoot in my spare time. Motherfucker, these people are shooting our children and families at the mall and you’re too scared to pick up a 9mm and learn how to use it because guns are scary? The alternative is a lot scarier.

        • @justabigemptyhole
          21 year ago

          This. It doesn’t matter if you’re a liberal, or progressive, or just a Democrat. If you don’t love Trump and Jesus like they do, you will be a target. Win or lose for Trump this election, there will be violence. I sure am not going to a bullet trap for some brush ape. Load the fuck up people.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          I guess there’s a tipping point where there’s so much guns laying around that carrying over is safer than not but I would rather put efforts into avoiding reaching that tipping point.

          Almost all problems can be solved with either violence or kindness.

          • mommykink
            11 year ago

            We are far past that tipping point though

        • @Baphomet_The_Blasphemer
          11 year ago

          The two topics I usually argue with my Mom about are why I feel the need to own guns because they’re scary and should be illegal and how the fascists want to overthrow our democracy. I’m always confused about how such an intelligent person can’t see the folly in this line of thinking. Why would you want to ban the very tool necessary for protecting our freedoms from those who want to take them from us through force and violence. Stay armed, and stay safe. The world keeps getting scarier.

      • @SCB
        21 year ago

        What, exactly, is arming yourself going to do against a bomb?

          • @SCB
            -61 year ago

            Again, it was a bomb threat, so…

  • @[email protected]
    301 year ago

    “They want to call us the Nazis…”

    No. I have to call you nazis because that’s what half of you are.

  • @[email protected]
    281 year ago

    Please I want you hicks to take on the federal government. Please do it would be so funny. Like whatchu gonna do to the Abrams tank when it rolls over your trailer Tucker?

      • @[email protected]
        291 year ago

        Both of whom are orders of magnitude tougher than most Americans, especially Bubba in his rascal

        • Piecemakers
          81 year ago

          Although, similarly funded by our adversaries. Go figure.

        • @AngryCommieKender
          31 year ago

          Seriously. They showed their best on Jan 6, and that group wouldn’t have stood a chance against a normal police response, much less the National Guard.

      • @PostmodernPythia
        1 year ago

        To be fair, they knew the territory better than the US did. Which is probably not the case here.

  • @[email protected]
    241 year ago

    Replace ever instance of civil war with domestic terrorism and I think we get a much more accurate picture about what these people mean. People with assault rifles going to schools, grocery stores, protests and any place that is crowded. Even if this chuckle head doesn’t do anything, he’s trying to signal to people who he hopes will shoot people when Trump is convicted. We are already experiencing domestic terrorism now, but it can always get worse.