Tech’s broken promises: Streaming is now just as expensive and confusing as cable. Ubers cost as much as taxis. And the cloud is no longer cheap::Some tech is getting pricier and looking a lot like the older services it was supposed to beat. From video streaming to ride-hailing and cloud computing.

  • Ann Archy
    09 months ago

    Those workers still want to live. The money is the means- controlled by those with the most money.

    Capitalism and democracy as exclusive concepts.

    • @SCB
      09 months ago

      None of this makes any sense, both on its face and as a response to my comment

      • Ann Archy
        09 months ago

        Bold deconstruction of the argument. Capitalism didn’t invent iPhones, workers did. There are economic systems other than capitalism, that can do better, without the unilateral domination of capital.