• @9point6
      1 year ago

      Except i right? Something like counter or index seems unconventional and unnecessarily verbose

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        Yeah, but it’s easy to overuse it. If your for loop is much longer. For a few lines I’d agree, don’t bother using something longer.

        Code should scream out it’s intent for the reader to see. It’s why you are doing something that needs to be communicated, not what you are doing. “i”, “counter” or “index” all scream out what you are doing, not why. This is more important than the name being short (but for equal explanations of intent, go with the shorter name). The for loop does that already.

        If you can’t do that, be more precise. At the least make it “cardIndex”, or “searchIndex”. It makes it easier to connect the dots.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Index can be useful but start looking for mapping and sorting functions. Or foreach. If you really must index, sure go use index or I if it’s conventionally understood. But reading something like for I in e where p == r.status is really taxing to make sense of

        • @9point6
          1 year ago

          Oh yeah, I map, filter and reduce pretty much everywhere I can. But sometimes you need the index and i is so commonly understood to be that, I’d say it could even be less legible to deviate from that convention

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            In what world is

            for (int index = 0; index < objectToIterate; index++)
                // DO YO THANG

            less coherent than

            for (int i; i < objectToIterate; i++)
                // DO YO THANG
            • @9point6
              11 year ago

              The world where the convention is i

                • @9point6
                  11 year ago

                  It’s not incoherent, it just takes a tiny bit more effort to mentally parse as it’s not a stereotypical for loop. Maybe it’s just me, but let me try and explain

                  With the i example if you’re familiar enough with a language, your brain will gloss over the unimportant syntax, you go straight to the comparison and then whether it’s incrementing or decrementing.

                  With the other example, the first my brain did was notice it’s not following convention, which then pushes me to read the line carefully as there is probably a reason it doesn’t.

                  I’m not saying it’s a huge difference or anything, but following code conventions like this makes things like code reviews much easier cumulatively.

        • @indepndnt
          21 year ago

          Honest question: is there a mapping function that handles the case where you need to loop through an iterable, and conditionally reference an item one or two steps ahead in the iterable?

          • xigoi
            1 year ago

            In Haskell, you could do something like map (\(thisItem, nextItem) -> …) (zip list (tail list))

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            Not that I’m aware of but that’s a condition where you’re thinking with an index. What’s the difference you’re looking for?

            • @indepndnt
              11 year ago

              Something like parsing a string that could have command codes in it of varying length. So I guess the difference is, is this a 1-, 2-, or 3-character code?

              I have something like this in a barcode generator and I keep trying to find a way to make it more elegant, but I keep coming back to index and offset as the simplest and most understandable approach.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                So you could generate lists of 1, 2, and 3 character code items rather than looking at index +1 or something.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            In js there’s reduce. Something like

            arr.reduce((result, currentValue, currentIndex, original) => {
            if(currentIndex < original.length - 2
                && original[currentIndendex + 2] % 2 === 0 ) {
                result.push(currentValue / 2) 
            } else { 
            return result;
            }, []) 

            This would map arr and return halved values for elements for which the element two steps ahead is even. This should be available in languages where map is present. And sorry for possible typos, writing this on mobile.

      • UnfortunateShort
        41 year ago

        I’d say except indices in general. Just bloats every line where you need to use them. Imagine writing CUDA C++ where you regularly add and multiply stuff and every number is referenced via (usually) 1-3 indices. Horrible.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Unless you are implementing some mathematical formula. Then link the paper and stick to its variables.

    • @Thoth19
      71 year ago

      Guess I’ll have to name all of my iterators “it” instead of “I”. That will fix things.

      Definitely a hot take though. Bc there are definitely times when it is totally acceptable.

        • UnfortunateShort
          31 year ago

          An iterator is commonly understood to be an object and thus something much more complex than a simple integer. This is the exact opposite of more clear.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      I have a convention to correlate the size of variable scope with its name length.

      If a variable is used all over the program, it will be named “response”. If it is <15 lines, then it can be “res”. If it is less than 3 lines, it can be only “r”.

      This makes reading code a bit simpler, because it makes unimportant, local vars short and unnoticeable.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Why though? Intellisense helps you write out the full name. And instead of response why not call it whatever the data you’re expecting to be

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Mostly agree. I’m ok with single characters in a one line / single expression lambda, but that’s the only time I’m ok with it.