I haven’t played many (any) mech games and just watched the trailer for AC6. WTF - that looks awesome! How do most people play - kb+m or some kind of controller setup? Also, and I’m probably just asking how fast I can throw up, can this be played / is there a mode for VR?

Thanks, in advance, for humoring the simple questions. :-)

  • MentalEdge
    2 years ago

    I actually switch between the two.

    I really don’t like how I have to take my finger off the left stick to heal on controller, while fights that require dodging left and right in a row are trickier to me on keyboard.

    With a controller, I sometimes feel limited in how I need to press multiple buttons, while on keyboard, I can do pianist moves to press buttons in all kinds of ways. I’m used to doing that from titan gameplay in TF2, and it feels kinda cool.

    The camera control with a mouse is also much, much better. I was confused why the ability to “quick turn” was an ability upgrade, until I realised its for controller. Really hectic multi-target fights I find are just easier to handle with the mouse, rather than a stick.

    But when I need to really focus on movement against a single target, like in the boss fights, I’ll pick up the controller and use that.