I have just received a Samsung galaxy fold5 through the post, however I imagine it’s full of bloatware and I’m inexperienced with this type of device. What is the first things that you would do to secure it? Thank you 😊

Edit: I mean to be more privacy focused

  • @Byereddithellolemmy
    110 months ago

    Jesus fucking christ. Touch some grass, for your own sanity.

    Seriously. Lighten up.

    • YⓄ乙
      -410 months ago

      Sure :) May be I’ll buy a Samsung galaxy fold to make me look sane.

      • @Byereddithellolemmy
        110 months ago

        If that’s what you need, go for it. Maybe try to be less of a fucking asshole to random people on the internet. What’s wrong with you?