Quite literally. How come when we feel “confused”, we start getting the need to expel the contents from our stomach?

I get that we get sea-sick because of “mixed signals” coming in to our brain. But why do we feel nauseous? How come the centre of the problem becomes the stomach, and not some sort of heightened sense of needing to find balance?

Hope this question makes at leasr some sense. Thanks!

  • Otter
    2 years ago

    That might bring up a follow-up question

    why is dizziness a common side effect of poisons

    My guess was that some poisons affect the nerves related to balance, or decrease blood supply to the brain? I don’t have anything more specific though

    • @NeoNachtwaechter
      2 years ago

      some poisons affect the nerves

      Many poisons (for example, alcohol) affect the nerves directly, i.e. the transport of the electric there. The first impact is that the brain (and the spinal cord of course) does not receive the sensoric info properly anymore. And then the body does not follow the brain’s commands anymore.