From the Dota 2 website:

Today, we permanently banned 90,000 smurf accounts that have been active over the last few months. Smurf accounts are alternate accounts used by players to avoid playing at the correct MMR, to abandon games, to cheat, to grief, or to otherwise be toxic without consequence.

Additionally, we have traced every single one of these smurf accounts back to its main account. Going forward, a main account found associated with a smurf account could result in a wide range of punishments, from temporary adjustments to behavior scores to permanent account bans.

  • @Defaced
    51 year ago

    I was watching a league stream on twitch because I thought I might try to get back into it a little, but one of the ads in the twitch chat that was sponsoring the streamer was for a league Smurf account seller. I noped the fuck out of league and uninstalled instantly. I might give dota 2 another shot now, smurfs were really killing the experience of learning and playing the game.

    • @pleasemakesense
      11 year ago

      all smurfs arent gone yet sadly. Hopefully as the report system has collected enough reports many of them will get banned

      • @Defaced
        21 year ago

        It’s just refreshing seeing a company publicly state smurfs aren’t tolerated. It’s always this unspoken thing that smurfs are just always there because they’re not technically against any TOS. Finally a company has the balls to float out say smurfs ruin the game for others.