What’s your experience like? Does it help? Do you notice it?

  • Bob Robertson IX
    92 years ago

    I’ve been dry herb vaping CBD nightly for around 3 years and I’ve found that it depends a LOT on the strain. Some have had no effect at all, while other strains can knock me on my ass.

    The stains that don’t have much effect can still be good if the flavor it right because I’ll mix it in with other stains. I’ve gotten pretty good at being able to dose appropriately with a nice balance between flavor and effect.

    For times when I’m looking for a bit ‘more’ of a hit, I’ll mix in some full strength THC bud too, but mostly I just stick with the CBD flower.

    My current favorites are THERAPY from Fields of Hemp (though, it’s rare any more that they have it in stock), and OLYMPUS MONS from Holy City Farms.

    • @twistypencil
      42 years ago

      What do you mean when you say it knocks you on your ass? Like you get high like thc, or you fall asleep

      • Bob Robertson IX
        32 years ago

        Both. Therapy gives me a very creative high and helps me fall asleep. Olympus Mons is more of a relaxing high. Both are less than a full THC high, but also none of the paranoia or anxiety that can come from full strength.

        I like to refer to the CBD flower as ‘bud light’.

        • @twistypencil
          12 years ago

          I always found thc to be too much of a commitment, so maybe I should try cbd flower instead. However, I don’t want to be put to sleep, have zero problem with that!

    • wolfshadowheart
      12 years ago

      I wonder how much of it is to do with CBD compound percentages. If it’s CBN then it would make sense for it to knock you out

      • Bob Robertson IX
        12 years ago

        The Olympus Mons is 2:1 CBD to THC, and the THC is as close to the legal limit as possible. I spent my 20s constantly high, then stopped for about 10 years, and now I find the lower THC bud much more my speed, especially if I’m needing to interact with others.

    • @PutangInaMo
      12 years ago

      I’ve read good things about therapy.