I should be asleep but can’t due to being in a high adrenaline situation (escalated roadrage, not fighting) couple hours ago. Was my first time in such situation so any tips for dealing with high adrenaline situations afterwards?

  • @hitwright
    1 year ago

    Working out and cardio helps. Quadratic breathing also might help continuing (4 s breathing in, 4 s hold, 4 s breathing out, 4 s hold)

    Edit: read again, it sounds like a high stress situation more than adrenaline. Accept the fact that you probably will have a bad night tonight. Don’t force yourself to sleep for longer than an hour. Play video games. Enjoy some tea (or something stronger). If the internal voices seem to not stop you can try to leave the subject by talking as slow as you can.

    It’s natural for the brain to overanalyze what has happened. Allow it to accept it, it can take a while.