Would you uproot your life, leaving behind your family, your job etc if you dont like the weather in a country.

(Obviously theres always more than one advantage of moving someplace but to build a life somewhere, would weather be top 3 factors in choosing where to live).

  • @vladmech
    1 year ago

    Life is a rich tapestry and everyone is different but that’s 66 degrees F and that’s legit pretty cold to me from California. No one’s right or wrong here, that’s just so interesting to me.

    Edit: typing is hard, apparently

    • @HonoraryMancunian
      21 year ago

      UK’s pretty bloody humid though, and we don’t really have air con.

      • @vladmech
        21 year ago

        That’s super fair, we were at a theme park and it was 23c and 90% humidity yesterday and it was pretty gross.