September launches:


  • 2023-09-02: Transport & Tracking Layer (Tranche 0, Flight 2)
  • 2023-09-04: Starlink Group 6-12
  • 2023-09-09: Starlink Group 6-14
  • 2023-09-13: Starlink Group 7-2
  • 2023-09-16: Starlink Group 6-16
  • 2023-09-20: Starlink Group 6-17
  • 2023-09-24: Starlink Group 6-17
  • 2023-09-25: Starlink Group 7-3
  • 2023-09-30: Starlink Group 6-19



  • 2023-05-05: Psyche (Falcon Heavy)
  • SARah 2 & 3
  • WorldView Legion 1 & 2
  • Starship Flight Test 2

Previous thread (August) | Next thread (October)

  • @pigeonberry
    1 year ago

    I don’t know whether to post these here or off the main page.

    Jerry Pike Photo has some nice pictures on Instagram of booster return at Cape Canaveral. The rusty ASDS really gives an interesting “gritty space” feel to it. These are links to each image, but you can just click on the first and use the “>” arrow on the image to go to each in turn.

    Image 1

    Image 2

    Image 3

    Image 4

    Image 5