Now, the words and figures “with the exception of articles 2-c, 4-c, 5-c, 12-c, 13-c, 14-c, 17-c, 21-c and 22-c” have been removed from the Regulation, i.e. everyone will be recognised as fit under the “controversial” articles:

  • 2-c – clinically treated tuberculosis;
  • 4-c – viral hepatitis with minor functional impairment;
  • 5-c – asymptomatic HIV carrier;
  • 12-c - slowly progressive and non-progressive with minor functional impairment and rare exacerbations of anaemia, blood clotting disorders, purpura, haemorrhagic conditions, other diseases of the blood and haematopoietic organs, and some disorders involving the immune mechanism;
  • 13-c - diseases of the endocrine system with minor functional disorders;
  • 14-c - mild, short-term, painful manifestations of mental disorders;
  • 17-c - neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders with moderate or short-term manifestations, with an asthenic state;
  • 21-c – slowly progressive diseases of the central nervous system with minor functional disorders;
  • 22-c – episodic and paroxysmal disorders, except for epilepsy, with minor impairment of organ and system functions.
  • @[email protected]
    632 years ago

    All these comments “wow they’ll take anyone, they must be desperate.”

    meanwhile Russia has been desperate for manpower this entire time and barely has enough morale to have people fight. Lmfao

      • @IonAddis
        52 years ago

        For those looking at this comment, this guy seems another one that only crawls out to talk about Ukraine and India.

        Interesting comment pattern, to be sure.

        • @[email protected]
          -92 years ago

          Ah yes, everyone is a shillbot that does not share your opinion. You can not compensate for your lack of arguments by accusing others of ingenuity. I am a long time lurker that is crawling out becuase I am fed up with the pure feces that is been thrown around since the reddit flush. I was already on this platform while you were circlejerking on 9gag - dip$hit

          • @SCB
            22 years ago

            I got chased away from actual social media to the fediverse before shitloads of people came here in protest

            Not the sick burn you think it is

            • @[email protected]
              2 years ago

              Surely they have invaded your brain. This war was in the making for decades. You really think it started with the recent invasion? What role do you think the US and Europe play in this war? Who do you think is accumulating credits/dept for the next generations? Who will swoop in with their cooporations when the dust has settled? Give me a break… the case is wide open.

              • @[email protected]
                2 years ago

                Of course it was decades in the making! Hillary took money from Ukraine during her campaign and Trump took money from Russia. It is known how this relationship goes.

                Regardless Russia is losing and Ukraine is fighting for good reason and winning. You agree?

          • @Fades
            -42 years ago


            lmao okay

            • @[email protected]
              2 years ago

              You do understand how those estimates are made? How are they verified? Meanwile Russia has 144 mio population… Do you think they are “running out of manpower”?

              • @[email protected]
                22 years ago

                Yes Russia isn’t being invaded 144 mil population doesn’t matter as much. What matters is your fighting force.

                Now if you are being invaded your population matters way more since every man, woman and child is forced to defend thus providing your fighting force.

                You people are so fuckin stupid

                  • @[email protected]
                    -12 years ago

                    Yes Russia isn’t being invaded 144 mil population doesn’t matter as much. What matters is your fighting force.

                    Now if you are being invaded your population matters way more since every man, woman and child is forced to defend thus providing your fighting force.

                    You people are so fuckin stupid

                    reply to the content pussy

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago


      • closed border for all males;
      • non-stop involuntary draft of unwilling citizens;
      • resorts to conscripting HIV positives and people with mental health issues.


      • first wave of forced mobilization ended half year ago, second wave still not started;
      • still has open border for most citizens (which actually helped a lot of them to avoid first wave of mobilization).

      In alternative reality created by western massmedia this definately means that Russia is short of manpower. In world of logical thinking this actually means something else.

        • @[email protected]
          2 years ago

          The question wasn’t who’s being INVADED, the question was who’s DESPERATE FOR MANPOWER.

          wtf you’ve lost the point of conversation and of your own original message, that’s the real sign of ridiculous idiocy

          • @[email protected]
            82 years ago

            HOLY FUCK y’all so stupid.

            let me explain it for you, c’mon hold my hand.

            If your country is being invaded every single person is part of the war effort. Every one. Even if you just cut grass or worked at costco, because you are being invaded and under threat of war. You’re part of a war effort. Remanaging your resources like manpower to more war adjacent positions makes complete sense. All hands on deck, we are invaded.

            If you are invading and must conscript fighters, your invasion is a meat grinder not going well.

            Russia was supposed to end this war long ago, in their minds. At this point it is a sunk cost and they HAVE to win or they severely lose on a play they made.

            So no. Not the same. Russia is doing terrible.

            • @[email protected]
              -22 years ago

              Thanks for interesting excursion into your delusions. Actually you’ve just written WHY Ukraine is more desperate for manpower than Russia (“every single person is part of war effort and so on”). So you yourself proved your initial position to be wrong, but you were too lame to grasp that. And about “we are invaded”: the only war that you personally wage is war in lemmy comments against facts, logics and critical thinking. Don’t try to cover your own nullity with other’s casualities.

              • @[email protected]
                22 years ago

                personal attack, personal attack… huh nothing? no content ok.

                Ukraine is fighting for their lives, Russia is forcing a fight for personal gain of the rich. Different games they’re playing you stupid cuck lol

            • @[email protected]
              12 years ago

              So Russia tried to hire some Cuban mercenaries… literally same as Ukraine has done since the begginning of conflict, scraping mercs from entire world. So there’s no point to argue, really trafficing more mercs = more desperate. From the third attempt you finally managed to bring something like valid argument, sadly it clearly works against you and once again shows that you’re bot without any logical thinking.