Why YSK: You don’t need to load down the instance by uploading the image to the instance. You only need to know the syntax is on the following line:


  • @j4k3OP
    51 year ago

    Lol. I’m on Graphene OS so all the imgur trackers are blocked and I can’t see anything from them.

    FYI this website has the simple functionality imgur used to have before they started all the trackerware nonsense:


    This is the documentation link that has all the syntax for posting pics in comments and more:


    • Mintyytea
      1 year ago

      Alright so I went on lemmy cuz I’m using both xD and I can finally see what you meant in your earlier comment. You said do
      ![image](__image_url__) right? eg. ![image](https://imgur.com/a/g3dJUyy)

      and I’ll give postimages a go :) I just used imgur since I knew about it

      • @j4k3OP
        11 year ago

        The image you use can only be an image. Imgur broke this functionality because it is trackerware/spyware/stalkerware. Use this to upload your image: https://postimages.org/ then after it posts, right click or select the image and view it in a new tab. Copy the URL from this tab and use it. That will work because the URL will be for just an image file only.