The alternator on my car went kaput. Nowhere in my area would do the job for less than $800-something, and most places were quoting $900-$1k.

So I looked up how-tos on YouTube and it looked like something I, a woman with zero experience or knowledge of working on cars, could do.

I got a remanufactured alternator for $180 and got to work following the tutorials I’d found.

It certainly did not go smoothly, but I managed it. It took me 6 hours to get the alternator out, mainly because every goddamn bolt holding the parts in place were basically cemented in. I had to use my foot to stomp one loose because I didn’t have the strength in my arms.

Today I spent another 4 hours trying to put in the new one and all the parts back in place. And I did it!!

Except for the power steering belt. That fucker would not go into place, and trying to force the belt tensioner back took every ounce of strength I could muster.

All that work. All that time and effort and THE VERY LAST STEP to get my car up and running defeated me today. I had to get a task rabbit guy. He’s coming tomorrow to get my belt back on.

On one hand I feel proud that I made it this far. On the other I feel like a complete failure because it turns out I couldn’t complete the task myself.

Anyway, how was your weekend?

  • @toasteecup
    21 year ago

    I’ve had similar experiences with my hobbies. It sucks feeling like the last thing has defeated you but that’s what your car wants you to think. It wants you to give in give up let the shops handle it for you and spend money but nah dude!

    You put that evil plan to rest!

    Ok seriousness, You did the work and you accomplished a lot! Now you’re getting the final task dealt with an teaching that car whose boss. Be proud of yourself. It doesn’t matter how long the project took or what you had to do to finish it, it matters that you did what needed to be done and didn’t give up.