I forgot Mastodon was on F-Droid, shoulda checked there first

  • @[email protected]
    761 year ago

    The truthier something claims to be, the less it is.

    When I was out for a walk the other month, I saw a newspaper in a waterproof bag, propped up at the side of the path by a hedge. It was called The Light, and boldly claimed to be “the uncensored truth”. Would you believe it, it turned out to be full of Covid conspiracy nonsense and anti-semitism.

    In my day we just found discarded grotty porn in hedges, now it’s right wing nutbaggery. I fear for our youth. We need to distribute more copies of Reader’s Wives and Razzle across the flora and fauna of Britain.

    • @FordBeeblebrox
      101 year ago

      They took the centerfolds out of Playboy, then stopped printing it altogether and look where it’s got us. Soggy forest porn was a rite of passage for many young froods, along with the VHS tapes with an innocuous label like a Disney cartoon affixed atop. Here in the states we have the Mormons and JWs passing around their rags, extolling various exclusionary ideologies and the same anti vax stuff while their congregations are all getting infected en masse. Fucking madness, I want to try another planet 👍

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      You don’t live near Mansfield do you? I used to see that all the time around there (I moved away recently) and I made a point of picking them up and throwing them away.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        I’m down the M1 a bit in sunny Long Eaton.

        I suspect one of the canal boat people left it. Most of them seem normal enough, but you do have the odd ones with golliwogs in their boat windows, or alt-righty looking flags flying.