• Lemminary
    2 years ago

    People were literally telling me, loud and proud, that they were tankies and that I should “cry about it”. They were posting lame ass memes, insulting all liberals in the thread and defending their dear leaders in the East. Every thread that became even slightly political was like that. So how does that make me full of shit, asswipe

    • @hark
      12 years ago

      So basically you’re mad because they posted memes, insulted you, didn’t feel bad about the dumb “tankie” label you assigned them, and they dared to defend China on some aspects. You’re full of shit because you’re making mountains out of molehills. Looks like you’re following their advice and crying about it.

      • Lemminary
        2 years ago

        Am I supposed to turn the other cheek when someone insults me, shithead? lol Why don’t you follow your own advice, then

        didn’t feel bad about the dumb “tankie” label you assigned them

        They said they were tankies themselves. Do you not read? LOL They were defending themselves for being tankies and memeing aobut it and were full-on apologetic about all these shit countries and citing their favorite authors. How is that making molehills? Explain it. You’re so full of it yourself, you don’t even know. If I’m “crying” what are you doing then, hypocrite.

        • @hark
          22 years ago

          You don’t understand. They took on the tankie label to own it instead of letting people like you use it as some unrecoverable insult. Just like how in US politics, being called a commie is so poisonous that politicians do anything to avoid the label. If instead there were politicians who were fine with calling themselves communist, it’d lose its power. You really need to calm down. All this rage is preventing you from understanding simple concepts and also it’s bad for your health.

          • Lemminary
            2 years ago

            Don’t patronize me, you’re the one who doesn’t know shit. You’re a dick who thinks yourself superior because you think you got it all figured out but all you do is distort, deflect and move the goal post. Talk about everybody else building molehills some more, though. You can lick the “rage” out of my ass if it so bothers you that someone isn’t abashed to call you out.

            • @hark
              22 years ago

              Sounds like you’re the bothered one, mate.

              • Lemminary
                2 years ago

                That’s all you do, go around bothering everyone, mate. Like Janis Ian once said, “You’re a mean girl. You’re a bitch.” Let me remind you of how hard you shot yourself in the foot for assuming instead of asking questions first, then dragged this out to save face trying to pin it on me.